7- Kokoro vs Katsuki

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Author's POV

--- 12 years ago ---

Koko is running away from her older brother who is chasing her, the two smiling when she bumps into someone. She falls to the ground and rubs her arm as she sees two small hands reach out to her.

"Are you okay?" a high pitched voice asks.

"We're sorry" another voice says as she looks up to see two boys, one boy with green hair the other with blonde hair.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry, I should have looked where I was going" Koko says as she holds the two boys' hands, the two of them pulling her up.

"Koko, are you okay?" her older brother asks running over to her.

"Uh huh, I'm okay. These two nice boys helped me up" she says with a bright smile.

"That's good. We should get home" her older brother says, pulling her by her hand.

The two boys look at the girl in shock.

"She's so nice" the green haired boy says, his eyes glistening.

"She's so pretty" the blonde haired boy says.

--- present day ---

"You're still best friends with that damn nerd. You're scared of me but you still want to fight me. Those two reasons are why I hate you so much!" Bakugo yells.

"You don't hate me Bakugo. You hate my confidence in my skills. You always want to be on top and you want no one to beat you. You know you can't compete with my power and that's why you hate my power" Koko says as Kacchan is taken aback, "you're right in saying I'm scared but I'm scared of you, I'm scared of your power, your pride and what happens when your pride takes over".

"Shut up, I have control" Bakugo yells, trying to defend himself.

"No you don't. No one does. I don't, Deku doesn't, you don't. Hell even top heroes like All Might and Endeavour don't. It will be a long time before anyone truly understands their quirks" Koko says as Kacchan stands tall.

"Do you want me to show you that I have control over my quirk?" Bakugo asks as Koko smirks.

"I've been wanting to see that since the starts of this damn fight" Koko says as Bakugo smiles.

"Bakugo, what's going on? Do you have eyes on Midoriya?" Todoroki asks through Bakugo's radio.

"The damn nerd took off earlier so be on your guard. Not like he can do much anyways. I'm winning this, even if that means you win as well" Bakugo says as he throws his radio into the wall with an explosion, breaking it.

"You've got my undecided attention now Koko" Bakugo says.

Bakugo runs to Koko and tries to punch her but Koko dodges out of the way.

"Ballsy move" he says teasingly, "do you really think you can take me out alone?".

Koko slides her his leg using a path of ice and tries to use the capture tape. Kacchan goes to kick her as Koko dodges again.

He's realising I know his routine, he's now using kicks. He's getting worried.

Koko tells herself as she stands up. Bakugo fixes one of his gauntlets. Koko takes this opportunity and puts down the ice wall, making a run for it.

"Get back here you bastard!" Bakugo yells as he runs after her.

Good, he's completely forgotten about Deku. My plan is in full swing. Now, to give Deku an opening to grab that weapon.

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