15. Sacrifices

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Landon Watts Residence. Philadelphia, PA. July 20th 2018

Landon paces. It's been over 52 hours since he saw Juliette last. Three fucking days. Rogers mentioned something about going Home, before he fucked her over the kitchen table three days ago, and then again on the kitchen floor.

As if him taking her away isn't fucking bad enough, Landon heard him tell Julie he wanted her ass again. Again?! What kind of shit is that?


Again means it's happened before, probably more than once. And here he thought he would be able claim her perfect ass for himself. The thought of Rogers' putting his fucking dick inside Julie's ass makes him so angry he sees red.

Now he stares at the black screens. Cursing out loud because of what he had to do to save his own ass.

Landon slams his hands on his desk. A desk he's going to have to sell. Along with 95% of the rest of his belongings and his apartment to pay for the men Mark sent over two days ago.

His time is up, if he doesn't come up with the money by 5pm tonight he's going to jail. They promised that much, they'd turn him in.


Landon Watts' Residence. July 18th, 2018

Three loud bangs startle Landon awake. He neck aches from sleeping in the chair at this table, waiting for someone to call him to arrange the clean up of the body in his living room. Instead of a phone call waking him, someone is banging on his front door.

"I'm coming... I'm coming!" He yells and side steps Lucy's body. He opens the door as far as he can without giving too much view into his apartment. "Can I help you?"

"Landon Watts?" A brawny man with goatee and a pony tail shoves his face into the gap between the door and the wall.

"What do you want?"

Two men shove into the room, forcing Landon back. He nearly trips over the body laying on the floor to make room for the massive figures pushing their way into his house.

The first man in nods to Lucy's body, which Landon has made no attempt to hide. "We got a call from a friend, said you needed to move some unwanted items from your apartment. Are these the items?"

Landon closes the door. "Mark sent you?"

Seeing the door is closed and they are alone, all pretenses are dropped. "Did he discuss payment?"

Landon shakes his head. "No."

"Well it'll be $100k for the move and another $100k for our silence."

Landon's eyes pop nearly out of his head. "$200 fucking thousand dollars to move a body."

"No asshole. It's $100,000 for cleaning up your fucking mess. And $100,000 to keep us quiet. Is that gonna be a problem?"

Landon's face scrunches. "Well I don't exactly have that kinda money just laying around."

The two men begin heading back to the door, making as if they intended to leave. "No money, no services."

God he sounds like the fucking slut Landon paid for 3 weeks ago. No money, no sex.

"Wait .. wait." Landon leaps over Lucy's body to block to the door, his hands help up in surrender. "I don't have it now, but I can get it. I just need a few days."

One of the men narrows his eyes. "You have until Friday."

Landon nods, like a coward. He'd agree to whatever these dickheads wanted if it meant cleaning this up. The men back away from the door and turn back to the body.

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