Here Comes the Calvary

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@0IForgotMyName0 Shout out to this person for their work on the art! They designed the Ghost costume using Robin as a model and I think it looks pretty awesome! I love this take on the uniform and I'm glad that they decided to share their work with all of you! Please comment and let them know what you think!

Another quick announcement! I've created a discord server for people to send me art and to just hang out so if you've got a piece that you want to show me or just want to chat, just ask and I'll make sure to get you the link. It is also posted on my profile so you can find it there as well. I also accept art through Gmail, but you have to talk to me first.


A week had passed since Nico had left and the bat boys were getting more and more comfortable with fighting Greek monsters. It had been quite the learning curve having to adjust to the new weaponry and the fact that the blades couldn't touch them, but they were making steady progress. So far, they had faced about 40 of the 200 possible monsters and beaten them all. They weren't exactly ready to face this new enemy, but they were bounds closer than they had been only seven days prior.

Over that week Bruce had managed to finally contact Delphi Strawberries and found that Mr. Bruner and Chiron were one and the same. It was a clever cover and it was fascinating how the centaur had been able to adapt to living among mortals. Bruce would have liked to know more if he wasn't worried about potentially derailing the conversation. Some questions would have to wait until after the war.

When Bruce explained his case to the centaur-- that he wanted to be able to help Nico and the world if he could-- he seemed reluctant to offer his assistance. Bruce couldn't very well explain that he was a vigilante member of the JLA  and wasn't trying to go on a suicide mission. Even if Chiron did believe him, it was a massive breach in protocol and a liability that Bruce wasn't yet willing to accept. This lack of understanding was the main thing that was standing between him and his ability to attain celestial bronze. 

In the end, it took Diana talking to Chiron and admitting that the weapons were for members of the Justice League for him to finally agree, though reluctantly. Bruce still hadn't explained his connection with the League and that made the old mentor leary of him. It was understandable if inconvenient. Chiron only agreed to give him old armor pieces that were damaged beyond repair so that he could use the bronze and turn it into weapons. This made sense seeing as they probably needed all the bronze they could get for the coming war.

Diana and Bruce worked together for several long days to create two swords, two sais, and a hunting knife from the scraps.  With what little they had leftover, Bruce was able to thinly coat Tim's bo staff and create a set of sharp brass knuckles with a steel grip for himself. Every blade had to have a thick leather hilt or they wouldn't be able to grip the weapons. It took some trial and error, but they finally found the right ratio of leather to metal for the weapons to not just fall through their hands but eventually, they had weapons they could use. 

The weapons were also enchanted-- courtesy of John Constantine-- to have the ability to fold into other gadgets or pieces of armor when they weren't being used. For example, Dick's sais turned into a pair of black wrist guards and were activated when he thought about drawing the weapons. The other's weapons were similarly hidden and enchanted for easy access. Otherwise, they worked exactly as any other weapon would.

Damian had taken a sword, Dick was given the sais, and Jason accepted the hunting knives.  Batman had tried to keep his son's preferred styles in mind when selecting the weapons as the idea was to try and make the adjustment period as quick and easy as possible. So far, everything had been going as planned. The boys were adapting well and they were putting in hours every day on the programs.

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