Stop Bullying A/N

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  I saw this author's note in a story I was ready by cross13ctr.

  The note was about how one of their readers had contacted them to say that they were contemplating suicide due to bullying.

  I don't get that, I honestly don't. I'm not talking about the contemplating suicide part either, that part I understand. When you're in the thick of a situation, it can be impossible to see the way out. I get that, I've been there.

  The thing that I don't understand is what could possibly go through someone's head and make them think that it's ok to put others down to the point that they want to take their own lives. Does it make them feel good about themselves? Does it make them feel stronger?

  Guess what, that's not what everybody else sees in a bully. They see someone to avoid. They see someone who is mean and manipulative. They see someone to fear. Even their 'friends' fear them. Being a bully will leave you lonely and powerless.

  The people you are hurting at school put up with it because they have to be there too. In the real world, their just going to leave you behind. You'll regret it later, especially when you go to your high school reunions and see all the people you hurt. The ones that survived. It doesn't have to be like that, be nice for a change. You might just save a life.

  To the people who are being bullied or have been in the past.

  I know that you may not see it now, but you can move on. After high school, no one is going to follow you on to college. You can go on and get your education and become someone better than you ever imagined.

  I know that we all want the quick fixes to stop the bullies now, but there often isn't one. I know it sucks, and you'll feel like giving up, but you gotta tough it out. Tough it out so you can prove to other children like you that its possible.

  You have people watching your back. There are people who you can talk to, if you just know where to look. I wouldn't recommend social media in this situation, but if you use it, be cautious. People get meaner on the web because there are more people to see their posts, and they feel safer about not getting caught. If you use social media, be weary.

  There are a lot of people on Wattpad who write things here because they don't know where else to put their feelings. A lot of us have been bullied before, abused, have eating disorders,  have anxiety, or even depression. We know what's up with you, we've been there, we've done that. We're here for you, we are the Wattpad community.

  We are the community that gives feedback to help eachother improve. We are the people who get down to the real issues and have the backgrounds to give solid advice. We care. We are the people who express ourselves here because sometimes, its the only place we can. Talk to us.

  I've had friends who have committed  suicide. Let me tell you something that you may not have thought of yet, you're leaving behind as much pain and despair as you're giving up. You will ruin people's lives. There is never, NEVER a reason to commit suicide. Period.

  If you're at that point, there are people you can talk to. Talk to us, talk to suicide hotline, talk to someone. You don't have to go it alone.

Here is the number for suicide hotline, in case any of my readers ever needs it. This is for a hotline in America, I honestly have no idea if you'd be charged for international calling for this number or not. At that point, I don't think you'd really care.


There are also more important support numbers in the picture up top. Please, Please! Call them before you decide to do something drastic.

[I am having a bit of writer's block. Updates won't be as consistent].

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