Chapter 4 (Part 2)

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Before I got too much momentum, I slowed myself and Blinked down behind two of the guards out front. The first one didn't know what hit him as I casted Push and sent him flying into the sand about a hundred feed out. The moment the other guard turned to see what happened, I grabbed his wrist and Blinked us into the sky near Hargen.

When his mind caught up to what was happening, he screamed out and thrashed, trying to pull out his sword. Through his fumbling, the sword loosed from his grip and fell into the dunes below. He then noticed how high we were and gripped onto me for dear life when I let go of his hand.

I couldn't understand what he was saying, so I simply smiled and Blinked us onto Hargen's back. Liliana moved the moment we arrived, reaching out a hand to touch his. He seemed to calm into some sort of trance as she did ... whatever it was. This went on for some minutes before she retreated behind Felt and the man came to his senses.

He stood up uneasily on Hargen's back and looked around at us in fear, shouting or begging in his native language. I almost felt pity for him, until I thought about how he was intentionally serving someone who enslaved an innocent person and probably committed heinous acts against them. The man dropped to his knees seeing my expression change and started earnestly begging me.

Without further hesitation, I placed my palm against him and casted Push right as Hargen's wings came down. I put enough magic into the blast that he was shunted at least a couple hundred feet horizontally before he truly started to fall.

His screams echoed through the open air until he had fallen far enough away that all one could see was the receding shape of his body. I peered over Hargen's side and saw a burst of sand scatter around where the man must've landed. Part of me wondered if the sand would've cushioned his fall.

Liliana spent several moments writing down what she learned before handing the journal to Felt. I noticed her demeanor change a little.

What a terrifying ability that is, I thought.

"An arbor elf is under the ownership of this noble. She has been kept here as his personal toy for some years now. The noble keeps her in the basement at all times," I grit my teeth as he spoke.

"There is more, but," his voice trailed off.

I waved my hand. I didn't need any more details.

"You know where the basement is now, though, yeah?" I asked.

Liliana nodded softly.

"Alright, Hargen. Bring us down," I directed, grabbing one of his spikes and holding on.

He dove abruptly, bringing us very quickly toward the ground. In the final moments, he angled upwards and roared, flying several feet over the top of the building. As we passed, I Blinked the three of us near one of the doors. We ducked down as a few dozen guards came running out at the sound.

Their shocked cries made it clear they weren't ready for encountering a dragon. While Hargen distracted them, we quickly made our way inside with Liliana leading us. After snaking down a couple hallways and rooms, we came to a door that led to the basement.

The stairs spiraled down some ways before finally ending in what I could only describe as a fetishists sex dungeon. I couldn't help but look in disgust at all the various crude toys and contraptions that lied about or hung on walls. We walked a little deeper and heard the faint breathing of someone.

I lit the room up with a mote to see who it was. Chained to the wall behind iron bars was the naked body of a broken, beaten and scarred elf. Her ears and skin tone matched Yol'Vaein's, so I felt it had to be her. It only took a year, but I was able to find her.

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