Info on confusing shit+upcoming shit

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Deku: Hey guys! So, Author-chan was reading through the comments on some chapters of this book, and she noticed that some of y'all seemed concerned and/or confused about some of the stuff written.

Bakugo: Apparently y'all extras don't understand a lot of the shit that was written in the book, like about the concepts of fuckin' secondary genders n shit.

Denki: She also noticed that you all seem concerned with the fact that humans were buying other humans. A few of you readers commented about human trafficking.

Kirishima: So she wants us to clear some things up for you guys.

Deku: I'll start. About 50% of the population have secondary genders, and the rest are normal people. Out of 100%, the 2ndary genders are as follows:

Betas: 90%

Alphas: 7%

Omegas: 3%

Denki: Bloodline does play a role in it, so of you happen to have two Alpha parents, and are from a long line of Alphas, then you will most likely be an Alpha. Same situation but if you have a parent that's an Omega, or have had an Omegan relative, you have about a 10% chance of becoming an Omega.

Bakugo: That basically means that if your Alpha dad fucked an Omega bitch, then you probably won't be an Omega, but you still could.

Kirishima: Male Betas are able to get pregnant if they have 1 or so Omegan relatives from their bloodline, but it's extremely uncommon, rare even. Betas can be with Omegas and Alphas, but if with an Omega, they will be unable to properly claim them. Betas will only be able to smell pheromones under 2 conditions:

1) They are claimed by an Alpha

1) An Alpha is maxing out his scent.

Deku: Male Omegas can obviously get pregnant, but it proves to be more difficult if they come from a Bloodline with not that many Omegas. A female Alpha can sometimes get pregnant, but a male cannot. Normal humans CAN get 2ndary genders pregnant, it's just harder for Alphas.

Denki: To tell the difference between normal people and people with secondary genders in in their teeth, hair and eye colors, and personalities. Secondarys have sharp canines, and usually have unnatural hair and eye colors. And for personalities, most Alphas are usually confident, while most Omegas are skittish. But not me though, obviously cuz Im so charming and funny. But uh Betas don't really have any reoccurring personality traits.

Kirishima: Their builds are also one to look for, as well as some body facts:

Deku: Alphas will usually be tall, muscular, and lean with refined outlines and sharp curves. Females usually tend to have dicks, but they only come out when sexually aroused or are in rut, and usually only get to be about 5-6in. Males are males, and they can up to 14in, much bigger than a regular human. Both genders have broad shoulders and sturdy bodies. When Alphas form knots, they can sometimes become as big or bigger than their original length, and it is advised that Betas should avoid taking knots because of their bodies not made to take knots like Omegas are.

Bakugo: All Alphas have dicks, even females. Pro tip: Don't fuck with an Alpha in rut or when smelling an Omega in heat. Both genders can trigger each other to go into heat or rut with their scent during whichever they have, and then it starts getting heated, and then the rest of it is on another site.

Kirishima: Omegas usually are smaller with softer curves, and really cute, like my Denki, and Izu-kun too. Females are just Females, obviously and don't have periods. They instead have heats, like the males do. Male Omegas have feminine like bodies, and often have softer voices. There are some instances where Omegas can be unnaturally tall or not as Omega like as the defined Omega, but it's not very common. When Males are in heat, since a males ass usually doesn't emit fluids like a females vagina does, they release slick from their butts to cleanse themselves and to allow a slick entry for an Alphas dick and knot. When Males get pregnant, a small hole below their nuts slowly forms over the 9 months of pregnancy. It's called a birthing canal, and giving birth is just as painful as female birth, if not more painful, and there are more complications to natural birth for males then for females. A lot of Male Omegas tend to get cesareans done because of it.

Deku: Betas are a lot like normal people, with the exception of all previously listed things. Usually they act however they want, and sometimes adapt features from the other 2ndary genders. Their bodies are quite similar to those of normal people, yet if you have a few Omegan or Alpha relatives, one may develop one of their common figures. If a male gets pregnant, it's almost near impossible to give natural birth. From their anus, a small birthing canal which has had to have been there since birth leads to the womb. It's dangerous to give birth from the anus, which could easily cause heavy life-threatening bleeding from something that tore or ruptured. Most Betas are encouraged to get c-sections.

Bakugo: Fucking boring ass Betas.

Deku: Now regarding the selling of humans, the answer is simple.

Bakugo: Shitty-ass inequality.

Denki: Just like when Racism towards African-American folk was a huge thing in the U.S., people with secondary genders barely have any rights, and only had as much freedom as their owners or sellers gave them. A lot were lucky to be treated fairly, but then a lot of them, especially Omegas, were treated horribly.

Kirishima: There was a big crappy event that went on for almost like 50 or so years back in the early 1900s called the Secondary Labour. It wasn't very manly.

Bakugo: Basically 2ndarys were forced to do hard tiresome labour bullshit all day every damn day. They didn't get paid for shit, and had the fear of getting punished as fuel.

Denki: Many worked themselves to death while others tried running. Some were successful, while others were punished by either a gruesome punishment. I'm so glad I wasn't alive then.

Deku: An act was passed in the 1950s that banned the labour, and now secondarys are usually kept as a form of pet mixed with adoption.

Bakugo: A lot of Omegas and even some Betas are sold or bred to be in whore houses, which are illegal, but people don't care. The world is fucked up.

Kirishima: Suicide rates for Omegan people were the highest in 2015. I feel so bad for them.

Deku: I'm so glad we got adopted by nice people.

Kohana: Goo-goo gah-gah

Okay, and now for upcoming events, which will not be explained by the boys and little Ko-chan.

So Shoto will indeed be in the story, I'm just not sure how to introduce him. Anyways, the story ideas will be like this:

Enji is a normal Human, and he first buys Rei, who is an Omega from a Bloodline of only Omegas and Alpha and the uncommon beta. Toya is first born, but Im not sure what 2ndary I want him to be. I want him to run away bc of physical and mental abuse, and is desperate for a BF, so he starts dating Shiggy-poo(human), but then meets Hawks(Alpha or Omega, idk yet), and slowly falls in love. Like I want him to bottom for Shiggy, but then again I really see Hawks as a bottom, and I see Dabi as a bottom. I might make them Betas, but I really don't want to. Whats your guys opinions? Any suggestions?

I think I at least want him to be a late bloomer.

Anyways, Rei and Natsu are humans, and then Shoto is born Omega, with his quirk.

Well actually, I think I'll get rid of quirks in this story, it doesn't go well with the storyline.

Well bc he's an Omega, he is abused by Enji. Rei is also abused by Enji for not producing an Alpha child. When Rei pours boiling water over Shotos eye, she is sent to a rehab for Omegas. Cue Shoto slowly becoming mentally unstable yet emotionally numb. He attempts suicide multiple times yet never succeeds. He sneaks out one night to try to commit suicide and meets Iida, who stops him from jumping off a bridge. Shoto immediately falls in love and Yada Yada Yada.

If you have anymore questions or suggestions, please comment them.

Ty, and again, I do have college work, so I'm not sure when a chapter of this will be updated.

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