Chapter 2

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Katsuki just stared at the omega, not saying a word. The small omega stared back, visibly shaking in fear.

Eiji cleared his throat, making Katsuki snap out of his trance.

"Who the fuck is that?" He growled.

The omega cowered behind Mei.

"Katsuki, this is Izuku. He's your birthday present." Mei explained.

Katsuki was silent again.

"Well shit.." He finally said, stepping forwards and inspecting Izuku.

Izuku had a mop of curly jade green hair, with streaks of black here and there. He was pale with freckles littering his body. There were 4 symmetrical freckles on each cheek. He had wide shimmering emerald green eyes he was short, feminine, and curvy. He had nice lean legs with perfect thighs.

God damn, he's HAWT!

Katsuki clicked his tounge in approval, "Good job, you old fuckers. How old is he and where did he come from?"

Mei begab, "He is 16 years old-" Katsuki hummed at that. He was young, "-And he came from Beta and Omega Traits shop. He was so scared. They had beat him and tied him with chains, and he looked so scared and miserable. So we bought him. Promise you'll be gentle and nice to him, Katsuki."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Katsuki said. He was too busy trying not to get pissed off.

They had hurt HIS omega. He would blast the people to hell later...

"Any powers?" He asked.

"Quirkless..." Eiji answered.

Quirkless? Perfect!

"What do you say, brat?" Mei said.

"Mmm... Thanks..." He grumbled.

Mei and Eiji chuckled and patted Katsukis head.

Izuku whimpered and clutched tighter to Meis skirt as the alphas red piercing eyes looked at him.

"Izuku.." Mei said softly, "You can come out. Katsuki won't hurt you."

Izuku slowly and shakily stepped out from hiding. Katsuki felt his heart flutter as he got the full view. Christ, he was hot..

Katsuki gently grabbed the omegas wrist and pulled him closer. Izuku trembled in fear.

Katsuki sniffed his scent gland on his wrist.

"You know I wont hurt you, right dumbass?"

Izukus eyes widen at the directed speech at him.

Katsukis eyes looked serious when Deku looked into them.

Katsuki huffed lightly and ducked his head, "You're cute.."

Izukus whole face turned bright red at the compliment.

"Jesus, Christ, I think he may wet himself if he gets too excited." Katsuki said, smirking at Izuku.

Izuku stayed silent, still trembling and a bright red.

"Well? Can't you fucking speak? Say something."

Izuku blushed and looked at his feet, "H-Hi.." He whispered.

Kacchans smirk widened, "What a lovely voice.. Am I allowed to fuck him?"

Izukus green orbs widened in shock.

Mei, however, smiled, "Of course you are, he's your omega. Just be gentle and don't get him pregnant on the first day. But I suggest getting to know him first, Katsuki."

Kai grumbled, "Fffiiiinnneeee... C'Mon, Deku."

"D-Deku?" Izuku questioned.

"That's gonna be your new nickname." Katsuki said, "And you can call me whatever you want except for alpha." He wrapped a protective arm around Dekus waist.

Deku blushed, "O-Okay, K-K-Kacchan.."

Katsuki smirked, "Okay.. Lets go to my room.."

Deku nods quickly and followed his alpha.


Kacchan closed the door behind him and walks to his bed and sits down. He pats the seat next to him.

"Come sit, fucking nerd."

Deku quickly complied and sat next to Kacchan.

Katsuki immediatly pulled Izuku into his lap, making the tiny omega squeak in surprise. Katsuki wrapped his arms protectively around Deku, making the omega even more flustered.

Kacchan smelled the scent gland on his neck, "You smell so fucking good... You smell like brownies with a hint of orange... Go ahead and sniff me, fucking Deku."

Deku shakily turned his head and sniffed Katsukis scent gland. His eyes widen as he fills his nostrils again.

He smelt so good... He smelt like burning wood and cinnamon. Deku subconsciously nuzzled into the alpha he barely knew.

Katsuki blinked in surprise as Izuku quivered in excitement.

"Okay shitty nerd... Tell me stuff about you.."

"U-Uh well... M-My name i-is I-Izuku Midoriya and.. I-I obviosuly am an o-omega.. I-I like learning a-and I usually m-mutter out loud a l-lot without kn-knowing it.. I-I like taking n-notes on things I-I don't know a-and I c-cry easily.. And I-I'm a v-v-virgin.." Deku stuttered.

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "My name is Katsuki Bakugo and I am a powerful alpha male. I have a quirk. It is explosions. My sweat secretes a nitroglycerin substance and I use it to make badass explosions. Today is my birthday and I'm turning 18. I am very possesive and don't expect to domimate me. I never do bottom. Maybe once on a rare occasion. But don't expect shit. You will sleep with me at all times and you can't refuse an order from me."

Izuku was wide eyed. Kacchan expected all of that from such a weak and wimpy omega.

Then Kacchan sexily licked his lips and locked the doors.

"Okay.. I'm done with introductions..."

Izukus eyes widened even more.

"Strip down for me, would ya Deku?~"

hEhE I hAvE nO LiFe!

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