Chapter 6 - Shock

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Sandhya's mind was agitated, frustrated. True, she liked Akash's company and was attracted to him. But what had happened was wrong, totally wrong. They could never belong to each other and she would never want or tolerate a casual relationship. She shuddered that that was probably what he was after. That had to be it since there was no possibility of them ending up together. She could not undo whatever had happened. What could she do to make things right? She looked around the house and the empty silence engulfed her. She wanted the warmth of her father's hug, the tender hand of her uncle on her head. Why...why did she have to have these feelings for Akash? She walked up to the cupboard and got a wooden box out. It contained her mother's silk sari, her father's watch and glasses. She touched the items tenderly with her fingers, then pressed the sari to her face as she tried to absorb her mother's fragrance. She finally slept clutching the box that night.


Akash could not sleep. His mind constantly reminded him of Sandhya. She seemed to be extremely disturbed when he left her and it pained him that he had caused it. If only she had spoken to him instead of avoiding him. Her thoughts possessed his mind; thoughts that he thought he would be able to shrug off. But the more he got to know her, the more he wanted to be close to her. He wanted to be with her so strongly right now that to even think that he would not think about her was unthinkable. He had not expected her to invite him in for tea the other day, though he had hoped that she would someday do that. Just being with her on the porch steps that night had been so blissful. The temptation had been present on that day as well. Thankfully, he kept his resolve then. But yesterday, he couldn't. What could he do? He felt so comfortable, so light and ecstatic with her that all reason seemed to leave him.


Sandhya glanced up from her laptop when she sensed the presence of someone. She stiffened as she found Akash standing at the door of her office, staring at her. The slight dark circles around his eyes indicated that he hadn't slept that night.

"We need to talk," he said with a serious tone and soft eyes.

"Yes, we do," she replied with equal seriousness.

Akash opened his mouth and attempted to say something but words again seemed to be stuck in his throat.

"You...don't have to explain," Sandhya spoke as she stood up and turned to look out of the window, her eyes sad.

Akash took a few steps towards her.

"It's better if we don't meet unless our work demands it," she said firmly.

Akash stopped as if he didn't expect her to say that.

"Why?" he asked with a hint of anger as he took another step and stood in front of her.

She looked away, trying to avoid looking into his eyes, but his close presence and sharp gaze made her heart thud rapidly. Be strong, Sandhya, you need to be strong now, she told herself.

Unable to find the right words to respond, she kept silent.

In a swift motion, he held both her arms in a tight grip and shook her as he demanded, "Look at me, Sandhya."

She took a couple of seconds before her eyes met his with a determined gaze.

"Why did you kiss me back?" Akash asked.

Her face turned red, and her eyes flashed with anger.

"What are you trying to imply?" she screamed as she shook his hands off her arms and took a step back, away from him.

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