Chapter 15 - Attack

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Shivers ran down her spine as Sandhya looked to her left, fearing the worst. Her eyes met Varun's gray eyes staring straight at her with an expression that clearly conveyed his intentions. She jumped from the stool, her heart pounding vigorously, her breath stuck in her throat. Screaming would be of no use; no one would hear her. She glanced at the door for a split second, trying to figure out how to get past him. He stood between the door to the living room and her and seemed to have read her mind as he sprang towards her at the same time. She jumped to his right and tried to run past him towards the door but he was too quick. He caught her wrist and pulled her to him, embracing her forcefully in his arms. She wriggled with all her might but realized that it was of no use against his strength. Bending her head towards his arm, she bit him until she tasted his blood. He grunted in pain, grabbed her head by her hair roughly and hit her face hard, the impact making her fall a few feet away on the ground, right by the window.

Her vision blurred and she was delusional for a few seconds. She reminded herself that she had to regain her senses—she couldn't black out. She shook her head and her vision cleared.

He stood still. Her hand ran up the wall until it reached the windowsill, hoping that she would be able to reach the bowl with the chili powder behind the curtains before he got to her.

There was nothing. Her hands searched frantically all over the windowsill, trying to find the bowl, her eyes on Varun the whole time. He watched her with amusement, as if he knew what she was doing. She realized in dismay that he had probably removed it.

Before she could think of anything else, he grabbed her arms, pulling her up, and held both of her wrists, adorned with the red glass bangles. He pinned her wrists on each side of her and smashed her into the wall. Her back was thrust against the wall and his face was a couple of inches away from her. There was lust written all over his face, but there was something else. Was it hatred, vengeance or revenge? Or all of it? Whatever it was, she was terrified like never before.

He pulled her wrists away from the wall and hit them against the wall with such force that a few of the bangles from both the hands broke. Tears escaped her eyes in dismay as she cried out, "NO!" With a satisfied expression, he observed her face and repeated his actions with one of his legs bent over her legs, trapping her and making more bangles break.

Sandhya haplessly endured the physical and mental pain as the bangles broke, a few at a time, and closed her tearful eyes when she realized that there were none on her hands anymore. She opened her eyes when she felt him kiss her wrist eagerly. She tried to pull her hands away, but he held his steely grip. Spots of blood stuck to his lips; she did not realize that a few glass pieces had cut her skin. He held both her wrists in one hand behind her and her head with the other. He stared at her lips and her heart twisted with disgust and fear. She tried again to wriggle free with all her might, realizing that her body was weakening. Her mind went blank with dismay when she felt his lips on her, despite her attempts to free herself.

There must be a way out...there must be...think, Sandhya! she kept telling herself. The knife! The knife under the pillow! Did he remove that too?

The next instant, he threw her on the bed. This was her chance! She kept her eyes on Varun as she quickly placed her hand under the pillow with bated breath. Her fingers felt something hard and sharp. It was there! Varun's eyes shifted from her face to her hand; she had to move fast. She grabbed the knife swiftly and pulled it out, only to realize that she was holding the sharp edge and not the handle! Varun's eyes landed on the knife. Before he could reach her, she quickly used her other hand to grab the knife correctly and pointed it at him.

Varun took a step back cautiously. The knife was sharp enough; it had cut through her palm when she had held it the wrong way. Their eyes stayed on each other and she sensed that he would make a move despite her threat. Perhaps he wasn't aware that she was prepared to cut him to pieces.

As soon as she saw him spring closer to her, she moved her knife swiftly to his chest. Varun moved back just in time. A red line formed across his chest, spilling blood on his now torn shirt, but she knew that the knife had only scraped through his chest.

Mustering courage, she moved towards the door with the knife pointed towards him at all times. He was a few feet away from her, but kept following her at a safe distance. She reached the front door and ran her left hand up to remove the bolt, holding the knife with her stronger right hand. The bolt would not budge. She cursed herself. It was sometimes a pain to open. He stood right before her, with only half a foot between him and the knife edge.

She had to make the risky move. She carefully transferred the knife to her left hand and tried to open the door with her right hand. The bolt had opened halfway when Varun caught the wrist of the hand holding the knife and pulled her other hand down.

He tried to shake the knife out of her hand but she would not let go of it, clutching it as if her life depended on it. Her back pressed against his chest and the knife cut into her right arm. Sandhya did not feel the pain as the only thing on her mind was to not let go of the knife.

They both stopped struggling for a split second as they heard a motorbike approach them.

"HELP!" she cried out just before Varun closed her mouth.

The bike stopped before her house and there were footsteps on the porch.

Sandhya bit Varun's hand, freed herself and shrieked for help again.

"Sandhya!" Dhiren shouted outside her front door. "Open the door!" He banged on the door. The bolt was giving in and would be opened soon. Varun cursed, pushed her on the floor, away from the door, and ran towards the kitchen. The front door opened just when she heard the back door of the kitchen open and Varun's footsteps as he ran away.

Dhiren looked around the living room for Sandhya, and found her sitting on the ground, her hair a mess, her tearful eyes looking up at him. Blood flowed from her right arm. There were traces of red on her palm and lips.

"Oh no!" he cried out and ran to her.


/***Authors Note***/ "The Independent Girl" was published on JUNE 20th 2016!!!

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