Chapter 8 - Bliss

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Was this a dream? As Akash held Sandhya, he soared into an unknown, unexplainable bliss that he had never experienced. She was his! His and only his! The mere thought made his heart race with joy. Her arms loosened around him and he let her come out of their embrace. Without warning, he held her waist, pulled her thin frame up in the air and twirled her around. She held his shoulders and laughed until he put her on the ground.

"Sandhya!" he whispered and touched his forehead to hers.

She stared at him with moist eyes, too lost for words to explain her own happiness.

He caught her glancing at the clock; it was close to midnight. Awkwardness crept between them and they stood not knowing what to do next.

With a weak smile, he managed to say, "It's very late, I should leave."

To his dismay, she nodded with a sad smile.

"I will see you tomorrow." He held back the urge to kiss her, knowing that he had hurt her enough. With every cell in his body wishing against it, he walked out to his bike. She leaned against the door and gazed at him softly as he waved his hand and disappeared on the road.


Sandhya stared at the ceiling as she lay on her bed, not wanting to lose this ecstasy by sleeping. Akash loved her! This was true! Was she destined for this much happiness? Could this be the end of her suffering and loneliness? She wasn't sure of how, why or what pulled her towards Akash, only that it felt much stronger than the word 'love.' A blissful sleep enveloped her as she closed her eyes, with her arms cuddling a pillow and a smile on her face.


The morning rays shone softly as Sandhya switched off the alarm. Sleep wore off just a bit and the excitement and joy returned; she fought the urge to meet Akash, as if she needed to confirm that what she remembered was not a dream. A flicker of apprehension passed through her; she hardly knew Akash, yet she trusted him and his words. Though he made everything seem so easy and simple, the practical thing to do was to take more time to get to know him better. She shrugged off her apprehensions. For once, she wanted to follow her heart, pushing all her doubts aside. Now she understood how Asha must have felt for Ashok. She smiled and hugged herself. He had said that he would see her today; did he mean in the evening? How could she wait so long?

She remembered Varun and her happiness gave way to uneasiness. Lunches with DVs were out of the question now.

She took extra time searching for a dress, finally settling for a long skirt and top. Sandhya opened the makeup set that Asha had given her and applied the contents lightly, standing longer than usual in front of the mirror. Normally, she would only use her strawberry-flavored lip-gloss and face powder. When ready, she picked up her purse, opened the door and gasped. Akash sat on the porch steps with his back towards her. He turned to her and smiled, looking fresh as the morning dew with his hair neatly set in place. The jeans and black T-shirt fit him perfectly and he exuded a casual, classy appearance.

"Good morning," he greeted cheerfully.

"G-good morning," she stuttered and smiled, pulling the stray locks of loose hair on her face behind her ears.

"Why didn't you ring the doorbell?"

"Didn't want to alarm you too early. I enjoyed sitting on the steps, viewing your garden in the morning sun and...feeling your presence," he added slowly.

Sandhya shifted on her feet nervously, amused and elated by his poetic words. Why did her heart beat this rapidly just at his appreciative eyes on her? Her classmates had complimented her many times in her college days. She had shooed a few of the boys who had shown interest in her without batting an eyelid.

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