Chapter 10 - Disturbed

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Akash and Sandhya were having lunch under a banyan tree near the orphanage as the kids played nearby.

"What are you doing? Two for me and one for you!" Akash exclaimed.

"I am not that hungry."

"Look at yourself. Do you know how thin you are?" He gave a chapatti back to Sandhya.

"Fine...we will split it evenly." She tore the chapatti into two pieces and gave a piece to him.

He frowned but did not fight.

"Am I too thin?" she mused.

Akash paused chewing. "Hey, I didn't mean it in that way. You will always be beautiful to me, even when you get fat like a balloon, if that's your concern."

She laughed. Akash smiled within. She could put on a few pounds for the better though, he thought, but didn't say it out loud. He had meant what he said. She was the most beautiful woman for him. He loved the person she was inside and it was something beyond appearances.

A girl ran after Roja shouting, "Hey! That's cheating!"

Sandhya smiled as she watched Roja running around. She was behaving just how a ten-year-old should, mischievous and cheerful. Only two days ago, she had seemed distraught. She had discussed Roja's behavior with Mr. George and the ladies that worked at the orphanage, but they all declared that it was her natural behavior. Not satisfied, Sandhya had decided to note the events happening and track Roja's mood swings every day.

Akash gripped her hand. "Sweetie, you are lost again."

Sandhya immediately retracted her hands from his.

Akash shook his head. "Are you scared of being with me in public?"

"More than me, you need to be the one concerned. Imagine how your family would react if they find out about us!" Sandhya replied in anger.

"Maybe not too well. But I don't care."

She shook her head. "At least we should make sure that they don't get humiliated. It's better that they find out about us from you than someone else."

"I guess you are right," he sighed.


Sandhya waited for Akash on the porch steps. It was Sunday morning and he had asked her to keep her day free. She heard his bike and ran out into her front yard to greet him.

"What's this?" She pointed to the packet in his hand with curiosity as they walked inside.

"Open it and see for yourself," he replied, closing the front door. She opened it.

"It's a dress? How can I wear that? I can't be myself in it, and you must have spent a lot of money on it. It will all be a wasted if I don't wear it. Can't we exchange it and get some other dress?" Sandhya blurted with no pauses in between as she held the dress up. It was a one-piece black dress—simple yet classy—but what got most attention from Sandhya was how skimpy it was. She saw Akash's expression as he stood against the wall with his arms folded, and mellowed a little.

"Fine. I will tell you the shop address. You can return it and get whatever dresses you want," he said curtly and turned around.

"Wait." She held his arm. He shrugged her hand off.

"I am asking you to wear a simple dress on my birthday and you won't think twice before—" He halted, and started walking out as Sandhya stood dumbfounded. It was his birthday! How was she supposed to know that? She ran and stood in front of him.

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