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Vicky's birthday was a success.

They brought her to Calum's house as they had planned, and she got to talk to Calum on the phone. It was so sweet, and Luke was happy to see Vicky (and Cierra) happy.

Luke called Cierra his "practically girlfriend" on the drive over. It kind of just slipped out of his mouth. Then he thought, "oh shit." Maybe he shouldn't have said that. He already felt like he was walking on eggshells with Cierra.

Cierra denied it at first but agreed to his sentiment that she was his and he was hers.

"All yours," are the exact words she said.

And while Luke knew that was true, he wished more than anything it was really true. Officially true.

A week after Vicky's birthday, Calum got home from the hospital. Luke could barely contain his excitement. He hadn't seen his best friend in so long. And although that sucked, he knew it was for the best, because the Calum that was coming home to him was going to be happier than the one that left.

The two of them hung out a lot that first week he was back. They had a lot to talk about. And then, on Saturday, Luke was back at Cierra's house. But Vicky and Calum were there, too. And Luke thought it was a perfect little friend group.

The only thing that would make it more perfect, he thought, was if one particular person wasn't just his friend anymore.

x x x x x

Cierra didn't see much of Luke the week after Vicky's birthday. Understandably, as he was spending all his free time catching up with Calum. Even Vicky was joking with her about how she was losing her boyfriend to Luke.

"Maybe our boyfriends should start dating each other," She said to Cierra at lunch one day.

Cierra rolled her eyes. "Maybe your boyfriend and Luke should start dating each other, yes. I'm sure they'd be very happy together."

"You're still in denial?" Vicky asked.

"I'm not in denial," Cierra grumbled. "I'm realistic. Nothing is happening between Luke and me."

"He called you his girlfriend."

"His practically girlfriend," Cierra corrected.

"Same shit," Vicky laughed.

"He was joking."

"Nooo... he wasn't."

This conversation between Cierra and Vicky happened often. And the same conversation between her and Emma. She was just constantly denying anything between her and Luke. Even in her own head.

"Cierra," Vicky said, "I know how you are. I know you're not going to make any first moves. I know you're just gonna keep denying it. So, I'll just say... if Luke makes a move, I think you should just let him. And then, you can decide how you feel. You can't deny your feelings for him when you haven't even kissed him yet. That changes everything."

Vicky really knew how to psychoanalyze her - which made sense, considering she had known Cierra her whole life. And she had gained a lot of relationship knowledge at the hospital from getting a boyfriend and kissing not only him but someone else too.

Cierra knew she was right. So, she stored the information in her brain for if Luke ever made a move on her. Let him in. Let your own guard down.

When Cierra, Luke, Calum and Vicky all hung out for the first time at Cierra's house, they decided to plan a day trip for themselves next weekend. They'd go into the city, get lunch, go shopping, maybe hit a museum or two. Fun things like that. Their first group outing since Vicky and Calum got out of the hospital.

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