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It was Cierra's birthday weekend, and Luke was going to spoil her.

He had never had a girlfriend to spoil before. It felt like a momentous occasion. Luke knew Cierra would throw a fit since she wouldn't stop gushing about how much he had already spoiled her during their first date, but he didn't care. Cierra deserved everything for her 18th birthday, and he planned to give it to her.

The first date he had planned went exactly according to plan. It felt like magic... Cierra was magic.

They ended up staying up pretty much that whole night. After round one, they both felt like they needed a shower considering the amount of time they had spent in the ocean, and that ended in... exactly what you might expect.

And then they remembered the champagne they had left so hastily and decided to drink it. The rest of the bottle. And that also ended in the same way; it was hard enough for sober Luke to keep his hands off Cierra, and tipsy Luke was a different beast.

After having so much sex Luke thought he would have been exhausted, but the alcohol was still running through their bloodstreams, so they stayed up talking into the late hours of the night. Cierra laid on her stomach, propped up on her arms, topless and in Luke's boxers. Hickeys starting to turn deep purple littered her neck and chest (he really couldn't help himself.) It was a mental image Luke was going to keep forever.

Now Luke just had to figure out how and when (and mostly, if he even should) to tell Cierra he loved her. They had been dating for almost a week now. That was enough time, right?

Well, not for a normal couple. But Luke knew he and Cierra weren't normal.

He just felt like he was bursting at the seams. The words were begging to spill out of his lips, and he knew it wouldn't be much longer until they slipped out.

Maybe he would during her birthday. If it felt right.

He decided to plan a surprise party for her at his house. A backyard bonfire type of thing. Nothing too formal, because he knew that wasn't Cierra's vibe. He'd invite her friends, his friends, but still keep it lowkey.

He knew Cierra usually hated surprises, so he made sure to check with Vicky first to see if she thought it would be a good idea. She said Cierra hated surprises because she never felt prepared and probably didn't know what to wear. She said Cierra definitely would like a surprise party... as long as she didn't feel underdressed.

That was his Cierra. Always worried about what to wear.

Luke called her the day before her party, which would be on Friday. Her birthday was the next day, so Luke thought it would be fun to celebrate her birthday at midnight.

He told Cierra he wanted to do something just the two of them on Friday, and she happily obliged.

"I bought you a dress to wear," Luke said. "It's on the shelf at the top of your closet."

He figured the only way she wouldn't feel underdressed was if he took matters into his own hands.

So Luke went to the mall. And he recruited Emma and Vicky to help him. Because he had no idea what he was doing.

Luke walked over to where they were standing, resting against the back of their car. They both had their arms crossed and were glaring at Luke with smirky smiles. It was both hilarious and very intimidating.

"Finally," Emma said, "I see you in real life and not just on luke_is_a_penguin." Luke pulled her in for a hug like they had been friends their whole lives (it kind of felt like they were.)

As soon as Luke walked into the store he felt overwhelmed. He was glad the girls were with him. He was going to need them even more than he thought.

Luke pulled a dress off the rack. It was hot pink and covered in sequins. Emma scrunched up her nose. "You can't be serious."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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