Excuse me?!

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I quickly got dressed, grabbed a bagel off the dining room counter, and headed down to the training room. This morning's events were still in my head as I walked in and saw the other Patates training. It was pretty incredible. They were fighting with dummies, simulations, and trying out new weapons. I inwardly groaned. I was taught to fight with almost anything, so this wouldn't be too difficult.

That was when I noticed my friends sparring with each other in the corner of the room. They had gathered an audience so naturally, I walked over to see what was going on. The moment I saw Brynne and Nikita fighting, my jaw dropped. 

Brynne was shifting shape from cougar, to bear, to mouse, to whatever she needed to be in the moment. I only knew it was Brynne because she once shifted back into her own body. Nikita was controlling the plants around her to defend herself from Brynne. It was incredible to watch. Mini looked over and saw me and she smirked at my face. Then she gestured for me to come over to her. I pushed my way through the crowd, a couple of 'sorry's' and 'excuse me's' slipping out of my mouth. Once I got to Mini I immediately whisper-screamed, "How are they doing that? It's amazing!"

Mini shrugged. "It's got something to do with Brynne's blood, and I guess Niki was just born with it? I don't know, I never really asked."

"They have got some explaining to do." I said, cracking my knuckles.

"Yeah, just please don't hurt them." Then she smiled devilishly. "At least not without fighting them."

My eyes widened. "Mini no. I can't go up against that!" I said, gesturing to Niki and Brynne, who were still going strong. Then, Niki slipped. Brynne took her chance and changed back into herself before placing her mace against Niki's neck and saying, "I win."

Niki groaned, like she knew this was going to happen before smiling and taking Brynne's hand to get up.

Brynne looked around triumphantly until her gaze fell on me. Her audience looked to see where her attention was, and they focused around me. A girl that they had never seen before, yet talking with one of their most respected warriors. 

Whispering broke out. I didn't catch any of it, I was too busy yelling at Brynne and Niki. "Why didn't you tell me you could do that?! It was freaking awesome, and I wasn't even here for half of it!"

They both looked at each other and grinned. "Well, I mean, it's not as shocking as it was to see someone back-flip over Aiden."

More whispering. I ignored it. 

"Yeah well you didn't faint after that fight, and you have powers. What I did was nothing compared to what you two just did."

Brynne and Niki rolled their eyes almost together. It was creepy how much they were alike. At least, in their attitudes.

"You were half-starved. So, fainting doesn't really count." Brynne said.

Niki nodded and added, "And you had already faught a dummy that acted like Brynne would before that." 

My turn to roll my eyes. "That dummy didn't have awesome powers that it could easily beat me with."

We had drawn a bigger crowd than before, including Aiden, Rudy, and a girl I hadn't seen before. They pushed their way to the front, and seeing what was going on, laughed.

"Don't tell me!" Aiden laughed out, "Aru saw you using your powers which you forgot to mention and freaked."

"No, I did not freak out Aiden. I just, asked them some questions." More laughing.

"Yeah right Shah. 'Some questions'?"

"Duh." I said. "I did ask you some questions."

"I then countered her questions by bringing up her moment against you in the arena." Brynne said, direction her statement to Aiden, who understood.

Cache VS Patate (Aru Shah gang au)Where stories live. Discover now