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"Sia" Came a voice that kept reverberating within the shop making her skeptical about the source of the sound. Her eyes went around the shop stopping at a corner where one could see nothing but pitch black. She could sense the waves of strong energy rolling from that spot, somewhat alluring her and drawing her to come closer. She had a strong feeling that the voice of the person was coming from there. A subtle fear had already settled up in her mind. She was alone, Fedar was gone and she had no escape but still trying her luck she got up and ran towards the door. After several attempts she sat down banging her head on the thick glass frame of the door with a slight wince rolling off her tongue as her injury was a throbbing mess.

"That's of no use Sia and you know that too, then why waste your energy like those foolish humans" echoed another voice this time in her mind. Holding her head she just kept looking down hoping for the nightmare to end soon. Silence rung in the air and the tension was heavy enough to force Sia out of her state. She sat there amongst the thick tension that did not seem to descend down anytime soon. With her gaze situated on the marbled floor she saw a dark green robe floating towards her. The bottom of the robe had red patterns embroidered on it maybe a language but she had no knowledge about it. Before she could focus on the exquisite ornamentation she felt an intense gaze from top, drilling holes into her head. After sometime when it didn't bulge, her curiosity finally overcame her agitation and her eyes slowly wandered up taking in the appearance of the sudden intruder. 

The person in front of her was a man with the same handsome face that she had encountered that morning but this time his flawless face  had a scar on it starting from the right forehead of his slicing through his his eyes and ending up on his left jaws. The mark seemed to be of a dagger and his face which was carefully carved out like a sculptor casting out the beauty out of a masterpiece because his heart too couldn't handle the envy of another god in front of him though it was his creation only. The scar was crafted in such a manner that it was not deep enough to be fatal but at the same time left a mark. The man looked as if he just fought a war which is still going on. Even the gift that he got from the war couldn't give rest to his heart and he was wandering around searching for peace.

"You're the same person?" Questioned Sia just to be sure. She no longer relied on what she was looking at, everyone seemed familiar to her yet her heart told they aren't.

"I am but perhaps you didn't recalled my face even after this" he said pointing towards the scar. Sia when looked more carefully felt immensely disgusted upon seeing flies sitting on the flesh of his and he didn't even seemed to notice. He had a deep frown on his face and mumbled things to himself which were incoherent to Sia.

"Tell me your name at least then maybe I'll be able to recall you?" She mumbled, the situation was not lucid for her. Her gaze again went back to the robe and the turmoil inside her increased upon noticing many such patterns like before on the robe.

"I was the person who saved your life once Sia. You know everything just focus" The floating creature said the same repeatedly, his words getting louder each time. He circled around her slowly, those non existing feet of his did not make even a single sound or perhaps she was too disturbed to focus on them. Soon his words started ringing in her ears like a mantra as the black dots started appearing. Looking down she tried to regain her consciousness.

"Cassie" a shout suddenly made her eyes snap up at the scene in front of her. There stood a woman in a long silk red gown that touched the shining floor like the delicate petals of orchids the, hairs neatly braided which had a lovely shade of brown and the beautiful crown on top of her head besides the flowers. Another young maiden came running inside through a large wooden door. Her appearance also looked royal but nothing compared to the gorgeous beauty that stole every light.

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