Percy Jackson Imagine [Percy]

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Requested by @no_social_life_chloe Hi I saw on your images that your taking personal one's, do you still do them? xxx Is it possible I could have a percy jackson one? Could I have percy please xxx

Y/N= Your Name

You were sitting on your bunk, alone in your cabin. Your siblings had gone to play a game of volleyball but you had just wanted to stay in your cabin, mostly because you were just really tired. You lay on your back on your bunk, your head hitting the pillow. You got about fifteen minutes of rest, and was just about to fall asleep when a rapid knock came at your cabin door.

Groaning, you got up and opened the door to find your best friend and crush, the famous green-eyed Percy Jackson, standing there, looking nervous.

"Hey Y/N."

"Hey Percy, what's up?"

"I, erm, was wondering if you would maybe want to go on a date tonight? On the beach?"

You smiled and hugged him. "I'd love to Perce. I'll meet you there at seven."

He took a breath of relief. "Okay. I'll see you then." He kissed your forehead, hugged you tightly, then walked off towards his cabin.

You closed the door and leaned against it, surprised and grinning like an idiot because your long time crush had finally asked you out.

A/N: Sorry for this piece of crap, I know it's bad. I wasn't given much of an idea plus it's hard to write a Percy imagine because I'm a hardcore Percabeth shipper (I mean c'mon, who isn't?). Forehead kisses though! <3

Please request or suggest ideas! :) I'd like to try to update this more often. Also I'm going to add Dan Howell, Phil Lester, and Thomas Sangster to the list of imagines/preferences I'll do! :) ~Ann

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