projects. or..?

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it's been one month since we've been in seoul, i wont lie.
seoul is fun. but, it would be better if you were around with me.

you always said you have projects to do.

i did wonder how you had more projects then me when students younger students then me should've had lesser work. but i never questioned it.

ive seen you hanging out with sanghee alot too. you guys talk like you've known eachother for years..
it does hurt me to always see you both so close to eachother but, ill keep my mouth shut. you could be friends too, i don't think its okay to assume too soon.

chan and felix talk to me alot too, we built a deep friendship.
ofcourse since chan is in the same grade with me i could be closer with him.
felix and me have a really good bond even tho he's a little younger then me and is also a grade lower.

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