one-sided date

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i just realised, it's been sometime since we had a date..

you agreed. but you looked pissed..? or maybe i just saw something wrong.

the date was..weird.

'ji, can you stop using your phone? please..?' - i might've sounded a little desperate, but i really am so.

'yeah yeah alright.' - as soon as you put your phone away, your smile disappeared. does the phone really make you that happy?

we ate our food and spoke..
it was more like i was the one who was dying to have some sort of conversation with you.
you sounded and looked looked so uninterested, it hurt me.

seems like a very one-sided date to me.

as soon as the date ended, you went back to your phone and typed in a fast speed.

what was so interesting in that phone? it's got you checking it every second.

we reached home tired from everything. all we wanted is rest but, i wanted to stay awake and check your phone.

i regret it.
your text messages with sanghee..turns out that's exactly why i found her name so familiar.

its hard to believe it, you're cheating on me or cheating on her with me..?
..i don't know the answer for that.

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