The Unlimited Spider and Psi-Wolf

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Parkers Residence- Queens- 18:36

Ben(Thinking): All right. What the hell happened in the Black Dragons warehouse? - Ben thought while playing video games with Casey. Both were playing Street Fighter and Casey was destroying Ben.

Casey: HADOUKEN! Swallow that! LOSER!- Casey cheers and screams. While bragging about his victory, he notices that his brother is distracted and doesn't even seem to be paying attention. Then he slaps Ben to bring him back to reality.

Ben: Ouch! What the hell, man?

Casey: You were all flustered and didn't even realize how I destroyed you.

Ben: Okay. You won.

Casey: I didn't win, really. It doesn't matter if your opponent is crazy and doesn't pay attention to anything

Ben: But I was paying attention.

Casey: So what character did I choose?- Casey covers the TV screen to prevent his brother from cheating.

Ben: Bison?

Casey: What? No! I chose Ryu.

Ben: Okay but why do you care so much?

Casey: Because you don't fill your head and get distracted for nothing. You only do this when you are very focused on something.

Ben: I don't do that

Casey: Yeah, you do.

Ben: Alright I do but that doesn't fit in this situation!-Ben complains to his brother and May joins in the conversation while going down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

May: It sure fits that situation.

Ben: How can you be so sure?

Casey: You're in denial

May: You're stressed

Casey: And don't pay attention to anything

Ben: How do you know all this?

May: You don't leave the house with people other than us.

Ben: But neither does Casey.

Casey: No. I don't go out because people tend to find me annoying, you just find them difficult.

Ben: It hurts

Casey: Okay, sorry but what's going on? Omni Spider?

Ben: No

May: Trouble at school?

Ben: No

Casey: You discovered a government conspiracy and in fact we all live in a simulation but you invented a machine to get us out of this to achieve freedom?

Ben: I wish!

May: Girl problems?

Ben: N-N-No. Well, yes but not that kind of problem.

May: So what happened?

Ben: Alright- Ben sighed- Remember when I said I fought that gang next to Haley?- His brothers nodded in agreement- So, I didn't fight them. They were already down before I got there.

Casey: Someone got there and defeated them all?

Ben: Yes. Then I heard a voice coming from the boss's office and I ran to find out what it was. There was a girl in ninja clothes.- His siblings widened their eyes in surprise- She wore a scarf around her waist, a hood and a mask that covered the lower part of her face. But a characteristic of hers caught my attention.- His siblings approached to find out.- She could generate psionic weapons.

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