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I walked around my sister's estate, heading towards the garden where i always rest in after doing all of my duties. My feet patted against the ground softly as i thought of random things to entertain myself.

'i wonder if (Y/N)-san is visiting today' the thought of her made me smiled softly while my heart flutter, wait-

My heart flutter?

I stopped in my tracks with a frown, why would i ever feel like that? Why?
I- don't tell me i have catched feelings..
I mean it's absolutely fine but-

With a woman?

That's ridiculous! Why would i feel like that to another woman? It doesn't make sense! She probably doesn't even like other people with the same gender.. Perhaps it's just platonic?
But even so it's still weird. But didn't (Y/N) told me that she is also attracted to women a few years ago? Maybe she was just joking, after all it's hard to tell if she's serious or not most of the time.. I should ask Nee-san later-

"SHINOOOOOOOOO~" A familiar voice called out to me, i tensed and turned around and looked up to see (Y/N), 'She's here! I can ask her about the thing she said!' i let out the best smile i could muster which she just pat my head in response. I blushed and looked away, "a-ah.. (Y/N)-san.. I was about to look for you to ask you something..!" She only smiled and slung an arm around my shoulders, "Great! We can bond after that then!" (Y/N) said as she waved at some random kakushis, i nodded and we continued walking towards the garden. 'perhaps it's more than platonic?'
I thought, staring at (Y/N) while listening to her rant about her day with a carefree smile,
'perhaps it will be fine.. Nee-san did say that love is something that's supposed to be free..'
I reassured myself, but despite that i still had my doubts. I decided to push my thoughts away and focus on what's happening right now, "So shino what was the thing you wanted to ask" she asked, i played with my fingers in hesitance before gulping, "ah-.. When you said you were.. uhm.. attracted to women.. were you joking that time?.." i questioned before stopping in my tracks and shuffled my feet.

'god this is embarrassing..' she stared at me and smiled, "hahaha!! Yep! I was actually serious about that!" (Y/N) admitted, My eyes shined in hope, "what do you have a crush on me or something??" She asked again with a mischievous expression while bending down to face me properly. I suddenly felt hot and hit her head softly, "W-what?! Stop thinking as if your stupid fantasies will come true because of me!!" I yelled, she only laughed and started to walk away. "Well whatever you say Shino~ gotta go by the way! I'm finna visit those dumbasses now!" She yelled, i only sigheand waved her a goodbye.



(Y/N) walked a few more minutes before finally arriving at her destination, which is the Kamaboko Squad's room. Your eyes shined in excitement,
(Y/N) slid the door, "He-!" She was then cut off with a scream, which ticked her off. "WAAAAAH!!!" As she was about to punch the shit out of the guy, she opened her eyes to see Murata. Her gasp was so exasperated but still, "MURATAAAA!!" She rushed to the man.

(by the way Murata is technically around Giyu's age since he said in the manga they went to the Final Selection together-)

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