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Ever since Five had been able to walk he knew he was better. Better than ordinary children, adults, his siblings, and even his father.

And he had evidence to back that up. His intelligence was unlike those of his siblings, and his ability was arguably the most efficient. So to him he could do no wrong because there was none to be done when it came to him.

So imagine his surprise, when it turned out that the old man might have had some truth to his words.

"A spatial jump is trivial when compared with the unknown of time travel."

had he listened to those words, he might not have found himself in such a predicament. The first of many, one could say for sure.

As he looked around the ruined wasteland, and glanced down at the rubble underneath his feet, where his home once stood. He couldn't help but listen as the words echoed throughout his mind. Taunting him.

He wanted to cry, to shout, to close his eyes, and open them and be greeted with the familiar faces of his family, but all those wants were interrupted by the sound of a tiny pebble being tossed to the side of the ground. The sound, startling Five, made the boy's insting kick into overdrive as he began to eye the person, who began making his way toward him. A figure made its way forward almost sheepishly.

That's when it became blatantly obvious that the figure was a boy. Pale skinned, very slim, and at about the same height as Five. he guessed they must have been about the same age.

"h-hi , um..." the boy trailed off as he became embarrassed by his nervous stuttering. He grasped one of the sleeves of his shirt, and began to mess around with the lining, in hope of easing his anxiety. "Do you...maybe...know where we are?" he finally got out, and judging by his large intake of air afterwards, Five made a note of the fact that he was probably not good at talking to people. Neither was he though.

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously, "who are you?".

The boy began to fidget more with his sleeve at the question, or being put on the spot.

"I'm William".

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