The Mysterious Transfer Student!

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Third Person POV

It was the next day as Y/n was now able to go back to the Academy. He would be lying to himself if he said he didn't enjoy his time with Boruto's father.

It was an eventful one that he wouldn't forget. Before he wouldn't trust him or mention his name from what Boruto had been saying about him. But now after really getting to know Naruto, it made him question what else could Boruto be saying that isn't the whole truth.

While walking to the Academy he caught some smoke as he hears people screaming. "Already...In the morning there's chaos...Without me."

He heads over to the scene as he caught some random guy running away from Boruto, Shikadai, and Iwabee. "You're not gettin' away that easy!" He hears Boruto yelling.

He follows their small chase as he caught the guy looking in a direction. "Hold it, come back!" Boruto yelled.

The guy turned but was met with a hand grabbing his face. He was then pushed to the wall it was Y/n who smiled at him.

"Oh my, it looks like I was too late." Y/n jumped a bit as he turns to see a new person.

It was a boy that has tousled white-blue hair, thin eyebrows, golden eyes, and a pale complexion. In some ways, he is very handsome.

His attire is similar to Y/n it consists of a loose-fitting two-toned light and dark blue kimono shirt with billowing, overlong sleeves, tied by a thick khaki-grey Ono-stylised belt, and a pair of navy pants. In addition to his outfit, he wears black long fingerless gloves and black calf-length shinobi sandals.

"Y/n?" He turns to see Boruto, Shikadai, and Iwabee gasp as they see him holding the now unconscious troublemaker.

"I don't care either way." The new boy spoke, "But this town is so rowdy, isn't it?"

"Who are you...?!" Boruto asks.

The boy didn't answer he just smile and chuckles. He then turned to Y/n as both males stare at one another.

Y/n was getting a weird vibe from the new person. In some way, it's calming but yet it's like he needs to be on guard.

"Beautiful..." Y/n snapped out of his thought when he sees the boy now closer to him, "I-I'm sorry?"

"I said you're beautiful." The boy chuckles as he suddenly grabs Y/n's hand and walks off while Y/n follows.

"..." Meanwhile the three ignored boys try to process what just happen when they realized that some boy is holding Y/n's hands and walking off, "EH?!"

Time Skip Jutsu

It was at the Academy as there was some construction work. Y/n was very confused as a student filled him in on what caused the Academy to go under construction.

While Y/n was having a "demon bonding time" with Naruto, the students participated in a boy vs girls capture the flag match. Not only were they allowed to use Jutsu, but Shino-Sensei had also laid out some traps it caused multiple damages.

Now until the construction is complete, they will attend a class outside.

"This is our new transfer student." Shino spoke, "He's going to be studying with the rest of you from this point on. Please welcome Mitsuki to our class."

'So that's his name.' Y/n noted to himself.

"It's that kid from earlier...?!" Boruto's eyes widen a bit. "Yeah, you're right, it is that showoff!" Iwabee frowned as they remember Mitsuki well as he was the boy that flirted with Y/n and was the one holding his hands.

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