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Happy reading...!

Not done with proof reading, hope there are no such typos. If any do let me know. I'll correct them right away.

The evening was called for celebration. The show had crossed a milestone. It was 500 episodes of "khuda jane" and the whole cast and crew were gathered in the sets. Family of the cast was also invited. Veer had taged Bani along with him.

Mayuri knew about bani and veer. She was kinda supportive too. And very happy seeing them both together. She always wished she also had somebody who loves her the way veer loves bani.

Bani had on a black one strap on her left shoulder and a high thigh slit on the left side. Her hair in the bun, and a simple sparkaling stones in her ear holes. Light makeup and her lips coloured in pink.

Mayuri and bani cought up speaking while the guys were busy out with their chit chatting.

Mayuri and bani cought up speaking while the guys were busy out with their chit chatting

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After the cake cutting and celebration. Everybody hit the dance floor. Mayuri dragged Bani in too. She threw a look to veer. With his nod, she stepped ahead. Soon the song changed " Kamli kamli" begun to play.

With sexy moves she made heads turn. While veer had a proud smile.

With her moves and the song. Veer had to control the things that were running in his mind.

Without anybodys notice he pulled her in his arms, carring her he walked out.

B: veer chodo mujhe...?

V: bada Kamali Kamali kar rahi thi. Ab kya hua...?

With a shy smile she leaned her head on his shoulder wrapping up her hands around his neck. Giggling at her act he walked out of the party.

V: phir..?

B: phir...?

V: bani..?

B: veeru..

V: kahi bahar chalte hai. Let's go....

B: on a long drive...? Bohot din hogaye na.

V: ok. (Kissing her forehead)

He placed her in passenger seat and walked to his driver's one.

They drove in the direction of city outskirts. All the way they kept speaking of a lot random things that they missed last week. As the car came to halt. Bani looked over.

B: veer..?

V: just us. It's safe. Don't worry. Ek mint. (He fished something from the back seat)

V: drink..? (It was an alcohol)

B: tume pata hai ki me nai piti veeranshu...

Taking the vine glasses, pouring the contents in it.

V: ek baar..?

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