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The night was cold and breezy, VAni had drived long and were to their usual icecream spot near the Juhu beech, it was their spot. The gushing of the waves in the silence of night under the blacket of stars along with bright moon light shining had increased the aesthetic view of the scene.

Bani had stood with her butt rested on the car Bonet, her left hand on her tummy and and her right was resting carelessly on the car. Veer had been away to get their icecreams, she had a smile lingering on her lips, it was good. She felt good.

"Icecream icecream" Veer cheered joyfully as he neared her. Bani's smile broaden.

Veer stood beside her after kissing her forehead, he handed her her icecream cone, "aur kuch chahiye?"

"Nai," she said taking her cone and snaked her free right hand around his left arm.

"Tum teek ho? All good?"


He looked at her davoring the icecream, she looked happy, she was glowing, she had this peace on her face.


"Hmm?" She turned to see him, she saw in his eyes, he kept looking at her, he didn't speak anything.

There was some resedue left at her corner of her lips, he bent forward and sucked the icecream off her lips.

She still looked into his eyes, without saying anything, just her eyes showing how happy she was.

"Oh god Mera icecream," she said as she sensed her icecream melting, just like she melts while she dives in his eyes.

He chuckled,"ek aur laaou?"

"No" she said licking the melted ice around her palm, like a five year old. With all her hands and mouth covered with the cream.


He tucked her under the covers and sat beside her, with his hands running through her hair, softly and delicately.

"Tumne kuch naam socha hai kya?" Bani asked half asleep,

"Socha hai, 'Viha' meaning,heaven, wo hamari heaven hai na, hamara sukun."

"Yes, nice, but we'll call her as Vani as a nick name, tumare fans ne inte pyaar se hume wo naam Diya hai, right!"

"Right, chalo ab so jaou ok!" He kissed her on her hair line on the side as she had slept facing the bathroom door, on her left.


It was in the middle of the night, and Bani was up, and then she just couldn't sleep, she was turning around to her left and right, she didn't want to wake up Veeranshu, he was tired, yet he had been to have icecream with her, for her.

It was just near to the sunrise and she felt pain in her lower abdomen, it was not like usual, it was ver pai full.

She pressed her hand on her lower stomach to control the pain, "aah," she exclaimed, yet not waking up veer.

She got up and tried to walk to the washroom, as she stood she sat back with the thud, "ouch, Veer" with the noice, veer opened his eyes to see bani facing the other side.

"Bani, Bani kya hua?" He swiftly walked around and sat on the floor facing her.

"Bohot pain horaha hai Veer,"

"Did your water break?"

"I don't know"

"Let me see," he slowly parted her thighs and pulled up the night gown she was waring. He saw her underwear, touched with his left forefinger, "it's not wet bani," saying that he pulled down the garment, "no" he said after having a close look on her valva,

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