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Hello people,
I see the votes aren't even reaching 30, and that hurts, writing is a part of me and I write it out of my love towards the book and the charecters, of course I do agree that the updates aren't frequent, but I still need your support and encouragement. This is really hurting.

So I just thought to quit this platform as this isn't what I looked for.

I had so many stories in my mind to share them with you all, but when a fanfiction isn't accepted them I doubt with other stories.

I guess this book will be the last.

  Happy reading!


Bani was awake but still laid on the bed facing the ceiling with having Veer's right hand wrapped around her abdomen while he slept.
She reimmensed the talk they had last night. It was a long due talk that they weren't able to get through it. She was happy that they are clear in the air and she knew they would be back in terms, just like they were earlier, the fun, the romance , the bikerings that they missed everything that wasn't there would now come back.

She smiled looking at his sleeping form, and her eyes went to the wall clock that hung there, it was six thirty in the morning and they had a flight to Paris at one in the afternoon. She still laid there, reaching her phone she opened her text box with Veeranshu, re-reading the texts they sent in early days, and no matter how much her phone memory was full she never cleared this chat box, she smiled. There were some recent photos with him and Radhe! Oh she missed the little girl right now. Kissing the phone screen she kept it aside.

Veeranshu felt the movement and adjusted his eyes before opening them fully. He moved over and hovered over her making her grasp in sudden.

V: Good morning Gharwali.

He wished kissing her on her forehead.Bani's heart skipped a beat as Veeranshu hovered over her, and she felt his warm presence. She gazed up at him, her eyes meeting his, a mixture of love and anticipation in her expression. The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on their faces.

Veeranshu smiled down at her, his eyes reflecting the same affection. "he brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

B: Good morning.

Bani replied softly, her fingers tracing circles on his back as they lay entwined. She could feel their connection rekindling, the love and understanding between them growing stronger with each passing moment.

As they lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, the anticipation of their upcoming trip to Paris filled the air. They both knew that this journey would mark a new beginning for them, a chance to rediscover the fun, the romance, and the companionship they had missed.

With a contented sigh, Bani closed her eyes, savoring the moment and feeling grateful for the renewed bond they shared. Paris awaited them, but for now, they were lost in the warmth of each other's embrace, ready to face whatever adventures lay ahead.


They reached Paris Upon their arrival in Paris, Bani and Veeranshu were greeted by the city's enchanting charm. The Eiffel Tower stood tall against the azure sky, and the streets were bustling with life and culture. They couldn't help but feel the excitement of being in one of the world's most romantic cities.

As they strolled along the cobblestone streets, hand in hand, Bani couldn't contain her smile.

B: ye tho jitna me ne socha tha, usse bhi zyada khubsurat hai,

She whispered to Veeranshu.

He squeezed her hand gently, his eyes filled with affection.

V: aur tumare saath rehete kuch zyada hi khubsurat bangaya hai.

They say on the grass lown getting fresh sunrays there. Veeranshu sat looking at his beautiful wife looking at the Eiffel tower and then her eyes closed facing up. He clicked her candid pictures in that moment.

He was distracted with the ring of Bani's phone.

Bani looked into her phone screen with not so sure about the call.

B: hello Jay!

Veer gestured asking about the sudeen call from him.

Bani signled and mouthed a "don't know" and continued.

B: oh my God! Seriously? Jay I can't believe it.


B: yeah thank you so much.


B: thank you for the opportunity Jay!

Soon she cut the call and hugged veer, Bani's face lit up with joy as she shared her exciting news with Veeranshu. His heartfelt reaction only added to her happiness.

B: Veer I'm listed in Top 10 inspiring women organized by ISRO.

V: oh my God, congratulations. You deserve it bachha. I'm so so proud of you sweetheart!

His words filled her heart with warmth, and she couldn't help but feel grateful for the unwavering support and love she received from him. Together, they celebrated this milestone in her journey, knowing that their bond was a source of inspiration for each other.

They shared the news with the family and also the award function that will be held in next fifteen days.

Their days in Paris were filled with exploration and discovery. They visited iconic landmarks, indulged in delectable pastries at quaint cafes, and shared stolen kisses beneath the city's twinkling lights.

Each moment brought them closer together, rekindling the spark that had initially drawn them together. They were determined to make the most of their time in Paris, cherishing every experience and memory they created in the City of Love.

As they gazed at the romantic sunset from the Seine River, Bani knew that their journey was just beginning. Paris had a magical way of bringing people closer, and for Bani and Veeranshu, it was the perfect place to start anew.

Too add on to the celebration they had their anniversary coming on and that would be the best thing.


Thank you.

Let me know if you want me to complete this book and continue my writing?

Or just bid adieu!

- Author ❤️

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