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Hey, with the last this i uploaded,i gotta know that many of them are silent reader and some doesn't have time to comment. But I would love if you guys at least show some appreciation by voting on the parts. Happy that I at least knew you guys are reading it.

Happy reading...!

An involuntary smile broke his lips as she kissed him. And his hand wrapped around her petite form pretending to be asleep. But this gave a reason for her to smile, she held him more closely taking deep breath.

In the morning he had left for his shoot early in the morning. And evening he had to attend the event. So for him it was a busy hectic day. Shooting is not just all fun and glamourous. Being an actor comes with its own ups and downs.

When he was awake in the morning he found himself lying on her chest with his hand threw around her waist. On a good note. The day started beautifully.

He reached the event all set with his HMU team. As he reached the Office of Jay Mathur. He was welcomed royally.

He settled on one of the chairs and waited for the show to take off. But his mind was stuck. Where was she..? His eyes searching for hers.

There she was, instructing something for her moots. She looked quite serious and tensed. She had woren a saari. His eyes his mind his thought process everything had came to an halt. This was the same saari she had wore, the first ever time when he saw her in sari was in this one. And now like probably after an year she had that one on again. The plane black, with thick golden border. The first time she had plated the pallu too, but now it was spread across. Last time she had braided her hair. This time they were flowing free. He smiled conting the differences.

 He smiled conting the differences

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Veer was in his vanity and it was Saturday, and a month after the confession of his love for her. He sat there reading the script for his next secen.

There was a knock on his vanity door. A smile appeared on his face. But to his disappointment, it was Mayuri there. She stepped in and sat across his chair facing him.

They were discussing the next secen when she stood behind Mayuri. And immediately veer's eye cought her. Sensing his lost mind Mayuri turned to look back. She greeted her smiling.

Bani with black saari,plated neatly, most of her waist on display. A thick braided hair resting on her left shoulder with some strands freely flowing on her face. With bangles on her right hand and left was just with the watch,holding her phone and a simple vanity bag on her elbow joint.

M: hey Bani.!

B: hi.

M: kaisi ho..?

B: fine. Tum..?

And veer was least bothered to indulge in the conversation he was busy admiring her. For the first time he saw her in saari. First ever time.

Looking at veer being lost Mayuri excused herself giving them privacy.

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