Part Three

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Warnings: Drowning, mentions of trauma and torture

The next day, you woke up to sunlight streaming through your curtains. You groaned and rolled over before freezing - something wasn't right. The light was coming in through the wrong way, and your bed felt different.

A soft snore caused you to open your eyes, and you saw a boy lying on a mattress on the floor beside your bed, cuddled up under his blanket. Realisation dawned over you, and it was almost enough to make you start crying. You stared up at the roof and closed your eyes.

Stephen will come for me. The Avengers will come for me. They'll figure out a way to save me.

You repeated the thoughts in your head, trying to comfort yourself, but other thoughts pushed their way in.

What if they can't? What if I'm stuck here? What if I never see Bucky ever again?

You mentally shook yourself and lay in bed until Peter woke up. He must have briefly forgotten the events of last night as well, because he looked slightly confused for a moment as to why he was on the floor. Once he'd gotten his head straight, however, he got up and found a towel for you, as well as a change of clothes, and let you have a shower.

You stood under the spray of the hot water and closed your eyes, your body shaking slightly. The hotter the water was, the less it reminded you of Hydra. The tank they kept you in used to fill from the bottom up, but the first time you'd had a shower at the Avengers' Tower and the water spurted out was cold, you'd torched the entire bathroom and had gone into a dissociative state for an hour.

After your shower, you stood wrapped in the towel, and glanced at your backpack. It was all you had from your world, and it contained a few things, including your suit. You looked at it for a while before deciding to put the suit on underneath your clothes. You felt like you had to, like something was going to happen.

Once you'd finished and come out, Peter was typing away on what looked to be an extremely old iPhone. When he noticed you'd come out, he quickly looked you up and down before looking down.

"Uhm... do you, uh, have any idea how you got here?" Peter asked.

You shook your head and fiddled with the long sleeves of his shirt. Peter studied you for a moment before picking up his skateboard.

"Do you know how to skate?" he asked. You shook your head, and he grinned. "Wanna learn?"

You eyed the skateboard for a moment before nodding. There wasn't much you could really do to get back anyways, seeing as you weren't a sorcerer or a multidimensional traveller - at least, not a purposeful one.

Peter led you to a skate park near his house and started off with showing you how to skate and teaching you techniques. He gave you a helmet before setting you on the skateboard, and letting you have a try.

You had impeccable balance due to training with the Avengers, but skateboarding was still a bit of a struggle. However, eventually, you were able to skate in a straight line without falling off. Peter was proud of you, and even clapped for you.

"I know, I'm amazing," you said, giving a small bow.

You went to step off the skateboard and it flew out from under you, sending you crashing forwards. Before you could eat concrete, Peter was there, catching you under your shoulders. You looked up at his eyes, and he looked down at yours, seemingly mesmerised. You two stayed there like that for quite a few moments, just staring at each other, before his phone let out a series of beeps.

Peter shook his head and let go of you with a sheepish smile and pulled out his phone, a small frown adorning it.

"There's an emergency," he said. "I have to go take care of it."

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