🍁Mistake or Fate🍁

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🍁Jimin's POV🍁

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🍁Jimin's POV🍁

It was a stupid mistake, and I knew it. But it had already happened and there was no going back now.

As the warm buzz of alcohol worn off, my body turned cold and I shivered. The night air was cool and windy, and I hadn't brought a jacket and the guy I was with hadn't offered me on. Of course not. Why should he? Once the post orgasm haze hit him, he was already done with me. He didn't offer a ride home, or a glass of water, or even a goodbye as I snuck out the front door.

I laughed humorlessly; the sound felt very loud in the empty street. All my friends would've been ashamed of me. Hell, I was ashamed of me too. Park Jimin, hater of all the asshole alphas in this world. Park Jimin, always standing up for his friends, five-foot-seven omega sassy and fierce, never afraid to take on any alpha who was harassing omegas.

I looked down at my hands like they were filthy or covered in blood or something. Like they were responsible for what I'd just done instead of me.

No, Jimin, I told myself soberly. You made this mistake and now you have to own up to it. But I didn't want to own up to it... yet.

I could still blame someone else. I could blame my friends, for finding their soulmates and having beautiful babies. I could blame alphas, for wanting to put their cock in a warm hole and be done with it. I could blame society for expecting me to be this way. I could blame anyone but myself, and it would still be wrong of me.

It wasn't anyone else's fault. I knew that. I was a grown-ass man, and I had to take responsibility for my own actions.

I shut my eyes, wanting this living nightmare to be over.

The energy was suddenly sucked out of my limbs and I leaned on the brick wall of the nearest building, sighing.

Why the hell am I walking? I should just call a cab home.

I reached into my pocket but couldn't find my wallet. Not panicking yet, I checked the pocket of my work uniform that I held folded in my arms, but it wasn't there either. I checked every possible place it could've been, but no wallet turned up.

I just started laughing, but it quickly turned into a sob.

Of course this would happen. Of course.

I didn't know how long I stood there, sinking to my knees in the cold empty street and crying. I felt miserable and pathetic, a disgrace to the Jimin I knew. I wasn't supposed to be like this. I was a strong omega. I wasn't this weakling who forgot his wallet at some douchebag alpha's house and broke down in the middle of the street.

But I was doing exactly that.

As much as I needed my wallet, I needed to not be face-to-face with that alpha again. Not right now. I didn't think I could handle it, and the last thing I wanted was to break down even more in front of him, my legs turning to jello as I cried and cried on the sidewalk. No thank you, I don't need that fucking wallet. I cursed out loud.

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