🍁Protective Alpha🍁

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🍁Jungkook's pov🍁

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🍁Jungkook's pov🍁

My heart flutter a more than usual as I pulled up to the curb.

No big deal, I told myself. Just helping out a friend. We're close enough to be called friend at least now, right?

Jimin appeared out of the building main entrance looking flustered. He got in the passenger seat and shot me a sheepish smile.

"Sorry again," he said.

"For what?"

He glanced down. "There wasn't anyone else I could ask, so I had to bother you with this."

I shook my head. "I told you, it's no problem at all. Whatever it is, it seems pretty important to you."

He winced. "It is."

"Then I don't wanna hear one more apology, all right?"

He agreed and we set off. I punched in the address Jimin gave me, which I didn't recognize, but I knew of the area.

"Um... Thanks again for helping me last night," Jimin said. "I was thinking it over and it was really stupid of me to pass out in the street like that."

"Just a little," I teased. "But we're still young. We make mistakes."

Something about that comment made him look somberly out the window. "I guess so."

"Don't tell me you're actually sixty, Jimin-ssi" I said with a mock gasp.

He scowled at me, but he was barely holding back a grin.

"Try again, asshole. Just a little lower."

I laughed out loud. "Fifty?"

"Subtract twenty-three."

I did the mental math. "So, twenty-seven."

"Yeah." He sighed heavily. "Really not looking forward to my upcoming birthdays."

"Hey, I'm already twenty-five, very near to reach thirty... so?" I winked at him. "It's not that bad, I promise."

Jimin sunk into the seat. "Well, most of my friends are younger than me and already have mates and babies, so it does kinda feel bad."

"I'm guessing that's something you want too?" I offered.

"Yes," he said quietly. Wistfully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2023 ⏰

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