🍁Ride of Realization🍁

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"Minie, where the hell have you been?"

I'd already braced myself for Taemin's questions, which he bombarded me with as soon as I walked through the door.

I smiled brightly, trying to make it as genuine as possible. It helped that our two cats, Demon and Trouble, were trilling and rubbing against my leg. I kneeled down to pet both of them. At least I didn't have to answer any of their questions.

"Sorry," I told Taemin sheepishly. "I went out to see a movie after my shift and by the time it got out, it was super late, so I just stayed the night at a hotel."

The look he gave me made it clear he absolutely didn't believe a word I said, and to be honest, I probably wouldn't either. Thankfully that omega wasn't the pushy type, so he didn't pry any deeper. Not yet anyway.

"As long as you were safe," Taemin said with a sigh. "I was really worried, you know? I called you a few times when it was late and you didn't show up."

I winced. "I'm really sorry. My phone died after my shift."

That part wasn't a lie.

"It's okay." Taemin gave me a quick hug. He wasn't as heavy on the physical platonic affection as I was, so it was always a treat when he displayed it. I realized he must have been truly concerned. "I'm just glad you're okay."

I gave him a pat on the back. "Thanks, Taemin-ah."

Demon and Trouble yowled at me for attention. The orange and black siblings looked like a pair of Halloween decorations.

"Right. Breakfast time again?" I spoke.

They both stuck their tails up and ran over to the kitchen where their bowls stood, acting like they'd never been fed in their lives.


I needed some time alone, which Taemin gave me without any questions, which I appreciated. If it was my best friend and old roommate, Taehyung, I knew he would've pestered me until I spilled the beans. He was always good at knowing when something was wrong. Taemin knew too, obviously, but he preferred not to be nosey and recognized that I needed space.

I sighed and stared up at the ceiling with my hands clasped over my stomach. Even after the shower at Jungkook's and the shower I took when I got home, I still didn't feel properly clean. I somewhat regretted what I did last night, but it was too late to take it back now.

And honestly? If it got me what I wanted, then I wouldn't regret it at all.

My mind roamed back to that alpha, and how kind he'd been to me. Now that it was all over, the gravity of the situation hit me. I really had passed out in the middle of the street, alone at night.

"Stupid," I muttered to myself.

Never in a million years did I think I'd do something that ridiculous. If it was one of my friends in that situation, I would have gone mental. I felt like I was looking at the scene from the outside now, and I felt ashamed of myself. How could I have done something so dumb? What if Jungkook hadn't found me?

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