🍁Love at First sight?🍁

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Jungkook's POV

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Jungkook's POV

Jimin stepped inside my apartment like a baby deer taking its first steps. Even though his breath kinda smelled like alcohol, I could tell he wasn't really intoxicated anymore. He did seem tired, though. That much was clear by the bags under his eyes and the shakiness of his legs.

I wondered what happened to make him so jittery. He wasn't the feisty, fiery Jimin I remembered. That Jimin had practically ripped my head off a couple of times just for being an alpha. But it was always done with love-love for his friends, and refusal to sit back and watch them get hurt. I admired that about him, even if I was the one on the pointy end of the protective stick he jabbed with.

"Make yourself comfortable," I told him. "No jacket?" "No," he said, still looking around. "Didn't bring one with me."

Didn't bring it where? I wanted to ask, but I bite my tongue to go too far.

It was late, deep in the early morning hours, but Jimin seemed too buzzed to sleep right away. I flicked the lights on in the kitchen and living room.

"Do you want some tea or coffee?" I asked. "I have some good chamomile tea also, I can make it with honey if you want, it'll be relaxing."

Jimin paused and looked curiously at me, like a wild animal wondering if it should take a handful of food or not.

"Sure," he finally replied. "Tea with honey sounds good."

I chuckled as I put the electric kettle on.

"What's funny?" he asked.

"Nothing. I just thought that it's good you trust me enough to accept a drink."

Jimin blinked slowly at me, and for a second I thought I'd said something inappropriate, but then he said, "You're best friends with Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok, right?"


"And they are Jin and Taehyung's mates." jimin shrugged. "I trust them, and so I trust you by association."

I dipped the teabag in the mug. "I'm flattered. How much honey?"

He bit his lip. "Four teaspoons?"

"You have a sweet tooth, huh?" He frowned in a cute way. "Yeah, and I bite with them."

"I bet you do," I snicker but agreed, handing him the mug. "Here."

Jimin took a sip, then sighed into the mug before taking a longer gulp. His expression turned relaxed and his shoulders loosened up.

"Thanks," Jimin murmured. "You... didn't have to do all this for me."

I shrugged. "It's no big deal. I see a friend in trouble, I help out."

"So we're friends now?" Jimin asked with raised eyebrows.

I smiled. "Aren't we?"

"I guess so." Jimin took another long sip. I noticed how his eyelashes fluttered shut against his pale cheeks. "And I wasn't in trouble."

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