Season 2: Chapter 20

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*disclaimer. There will be a lot of mentions of brutal violence and a lot of blood.
Also, I know this happens on the day of the sports festival but for plot reasons I need it for the day before.

I was in the car with my driver heading over to where the Hero Killer stain was last spotted. holding a file containing any and all information they had on him. Somehow he's able to paralyze his victims. My guess is he secretes some sort of liquid or something that paralyzes or it could be something much darker so I will need to be very cautious. He carries swords and knives so my guess is it's probably something darker but there's something else.... There's a small pattern with his victims. Tonight will be his last victim in this town before he moves to the next. What are his motives?

It's now in the middle of the day as we reach a back alley for me to make my exit and head on my way to take this villain down.
"Be careful out there void. He's ruthless." My driver spoke to me not even meeting my eyes.
"Don't go all soft on me yet. I got this and I'll be extra cautious. I'm not 100% sure what I'm up against but it's time to find out." I replied before leaving and getting up to the roof of the building beside me.

I ran around just as all the other hero's around me are doing looking for the killer.
"Got anything on any cameras? Phones? Anything at all?" I talked through my headset.
"No, not yet- wait! A hero just backtracked and went down an alley they might've found something. I'll direct you there but be quick just in case."
"On it." I break out into a run as my computer tech from headquarters directs me.

Dropping down the alley I've realized for once...I was too late. My eyes widened at the sight before me. I recognized this hero. Iida's older brother.  I gritted my teeth as Stain spoke.

"'s what all of you who call yourselves heroes are really after. But you bastards are no heroes." tears pricked my eyes as I saw Iida's name pop up on his brother's phone. Blood was everywhere. It gushed from my classmate's family member. Feelings of rage coursed through my veins as failure entered my heart. Stain smashed the phone snapping me out of my trance of horror.

"Except him. The only one with permission to kill me. All might is worthy." he finished.

Reaching back I unsheathed my sword finally catching his attention. Tears strained my face. I won't fail you any further..Iida.
"It seems I will have to do it without permission won't I?!" I yelled before attacking and the sounds of swords raided the air.

~Next Morning~

I didn't sleep. I couldn't. Cuts and bruises littered my body. Along with a deep gash down my side that I need to see recovery girl to heal. Gripping my busted-up fist in front of me in anger a tear slipped from my eye.

"You are the same as me. Fighting in a world of fake heroes."
"We are not the same." I growled ruthlessly.
"Aren't we? Maybe you can finish off this fake for me?" he pushed further as he stabbed his sword into Ingenium's arm making him scream in pain.
"You bastard!" I screamed at him and attacked with all the anger that I had.
"You son of a bitch!" I slashed my sword again wounding his shoulder. But all my movement stopped. I hit the floor faster than I could blink. Looking at him he licked my blood off of his sword.
"It's time for me to go. I've been here too long. But I hope we meet again." he left faster than I could form words. After a few minutes, the paralyzation went away and I was able to slowly stand.

"Get an ambulance here! Now!" I yelled into my headset. Limping I grabbed Ingenium the best I could and dragged him out of the alley.

I could still feel his blood on my body. His blood is on my hands. I was too late. It was my fault. Worst is...I don't even think Iida knows.

"Oi! I've been saying your name like 100 million times what's your fucking issue." Bakugos temperament is clearly no better than ever. I looked at his eyes and his mouth parted slightly and his eyes softened just barely noticeably to the eye.
"What of it." my voice was scratchy yet dead sounding. Defeated. Numb. Everything I felt was clearly portrayed in my voice.

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