Season 2: Chapter 26

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Thoughts of throwing the match bubbled up again as I watched him walk onto the stage at the same time that I did. I do feel exhausted but he still would not take that and I did make a promise and I don't break my promises. Whoever wins this goes on to the final match. I could blow him off into the out-of-bounds area with Taurus but I did that once and I don't think he'll easily allow it again. His face is so serious. Still has its usual scowl but there's still a bit of caution there along with his determination and yet again so swiftly we move to an all-out brawl.

Wiping my face from the dirt and sweat I'm huffing. We both haven't let up even a little. His eyes never left mine waiting for me to make a move that was until my eyes caught Iida in the stands looking like someone had killed him and I knew. He knows. He knows about everything that happened. And this killed me more than I thought it would. I could see him shaking with no tears streaming down his face. Shock. He's in shock. He moves so fast out of the stands that I swore I blinked him away.

Getting too caught up I didn't notice Bakugo blasting towards me and in a last-second decision all I could do is block sending dust flying up everywhere. The stands are now gone from sight. Coughing I sit up on my knees. I did this. I hurt his family because I couldn't save him. He can't use his quirk and it's my fault. My skin started flashing again the signs of my inner battle showing that I was losing. I almost felt myself give in.

"What the hell are you doing?! I won't lose like this so get up and give it all you got you hear me?!" he screamed in my face as I now noticed tears streaming down it. Why? I'm not sure. I feel so numb yet I'm crying.
"I can't." was all I could choke out, "it's all my fault." was all I could say. Nothing else would leave my lips.
Slowly my quirk was taking over the flashing going from short bursts to longer.
"You said if you lost control a lot of people would die and get hurt so are you really going to give up the fight and lose yourself?!" his roaring voice barely made it past the white noise. Something twinged in me. I could see him a little more clearly now. Everything else was a blur but he was crystal clear. I focused on my breathing. Feeling every ounce of power coursing through my veins.

'Celeste help me please I can't do this alone'
'There's only so much I can do. What happened wasn't your fault. You'll take him down before he can do it again but right now you aren't alone. You have a friend trying to help you fight. In his own funny way.'
"Hey! Focus on me breathe. Get it together." his voice was softer now. I didn't notice him releasing my shirt and instead his hand was on my knee. I thought he was crystal clear before but now he's the clearest my naked eye has ever seen. I slowly stood up and he followed.
"Let's finish this." I squeezed out. I don't have much left in me after the now two battles I've had rangling my quirk.

The biggest smirk crossed his lips with his signature scowl. I can't worry about what happened right now. I need to finish this so I can go make it right and put The hero killer: Stain, where he belongs.
"Taurus" I bellow while firing my arrow to the sky while Bakugo darts towards me.

Blocking his direct hit with a newfound drive to finish this, the smell of burn skin wafted to my nose but I smirked anyway. Quickly I reached for my whip but he moved faster than I could crack him with it. The force from the crack drove the dust out showing our tattered bodies.

"Look at that folks! They're still standing strong! What a fight!!" Present Mic comments and I caught eyes with Aizawa giving him a small smile and a nod. Setting my eyes back to Bakugo I snap my whip again and again and again. Just barely missing him every time. I cracked it once again only for him to grab it and yank it. It didn't do much considering my grip was rather strong on it. He blasts forward again but now holding the whip to immobilize it. Dropping it I go to block again only to be pushed back just barely missing the out-of-bounds line until he detonates one last explosion sending me into the wall behind me.

Removing myself from the rubble of the wall bleeding and battered I stood confidently with my hand on my jutted-out hip. I gave the panting boy a nod and a smile before walking out of the arena in content. He won fair and square.

~Time skip brought to you by Izukus muttering~

Heading out of the sports fest was a breath of relief. I held my medal looking at the number 3 engraved in it. Not bad for all the emotional whiplash that I had to deal with today. That thought bringing back what Bakugo had said to me. Breathe. Collect myself. Then to what Celeste said. I won't let him hurt anyone else. Ever. Again.

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