Chapter 5 (Edited)

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"Void is so amazing! Did you hear what she did!!! Took down a group of thugs and saved a woman's life!" Uraraka shrieked in excitement.
"Pipe down round cheeks. She's just some person who decided to help. She's not some big hero. Anyone could've saved that woman." Bakugos voice quieted down the class. It's unusual for him to join a discussion and it's bad that his classmates could tell in such a short amount of time of knowing him. Most looked in surprise while one girl, in particular, looked at him in anger. Her hands clenched into fists at her side as she glared at him. He met her gaze and gave the same type of glare although hers seemed more personal and the boy couldn't figure out why.

"I don't know man. Void always seems to be in the places the heroes don't patrol often. I'd say she's pretty on top of her stuff." most of the class let out words of agreement. The girl shook her head and headed to her seat with hopes they would stop talking about Void- her. They didn't.
"You know. Void is just one person. She isn't amazing nor a hero. She does what's right in her mind. People agree with her and then some don't. Sure she's a vigilante but she's helping in the best ways she thinks she can." the girl finally spoke up in hope to end the conversation of her previous saves. Many nodded in agreement while others continue but luckily got cut off by a teacher coming in.

Amaya's POV
'SO TIRED' I screamed in my head. It was currently Computer tech. We already finished English and math which was actually a little fun even though I'm already fluent in English and already learned math. Computer tech I already know all this stuff so it is more boring than EVER. Slumping over to rest my face on my fist I closed my eyes. 'A little nap should be ok'.

"Hey Amaya, it's lunch." I groggily woke up to someone shaking me. I looked over with half-lidded eyes to see my new friend.
"Is it really?" I yawned stretching my arms out.
"Yeah sleepy head. You slept the entire period away. You didn't even wake up when your head slammed onto the table. The teacher tried to wake you up but you were dead to the world girl. What did you do to exhaust yourself so bad." she replied with a laugh.
"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you." I laughed a little as I got up.

Making our way in line to get a taste of lunch rushes food I let out another yawn.
"Are you gonna be alright to do hero training today? You seem really tired Amaya." Mina asked in concern. I gave her a small nod and a smile, "this is normal for me." I informed her. It seemed to suffice her concerns but not entirely. I followed her to a table and sat diagonal from her. Right in the corner seat in front of the one and only hot head.

"Aoki right? Names Kaminari. Might I say you have quite the powerful quirk." a yellowed haired boy turned to me. He had a black lightning bolt in his hair. Denki Kaminari, Electrification. His file wasn't very interesting.
"Yeah it's Aoki but just call me Amaya. I'm not the type for honorifics. And thanks. It needs work though." I shyly replied, tucking a piece of hair behind my hair. He was about to say something before being cut off, "Oh come on Amaya you could have easily placed first! You were even recommended!" Mina exclaimed. I shyly laughed.
"I'm not as powerful as you think. My quirk has many drawbacks." I softly spoke feeling doubtful of my ability.

"Tch. You still won't make it as number one even if you tried your hardest. You'll have to beat me first." Bakugo growled.
"While you may be powerful Bakugo Katsuki, and I do admit you have some amazing raw power I could beat you with or without my quirk." I quirked my brow not impressed with his attitude.
"Let's go right here right now then!" he raised his voice letting off a few pops off his hands while standing up and leaning over into my face. My quirk instantly activated without me knowing as anger seeped into my veins. Slowly I stood up and kept eye contact as I looked up at him with a glare.
"You want to go toe to toe with me pretty boy?" my voice vibrated as Celeste spoke with me. He glared harder.

"Alright, that's enough of that." Mina and the redhead jumped up quickly. Snapping out of it I sit down faster than someone could blink. Taking a few deep breaths I reeled my anger in and calmed down.
"Seems like there's gonna be some competition," Kaminari commented awkwardly.
"Tch. Not much to compete within this class of extras." Bakugo responded walking away.

"Are you ok Amaya? Your voice it was...different." Mina asked in concern.
"It's just part of my quirk. It does that sometimes." I replied quietly.
"What exactly is your quirk if you don't mind me asking?" the redhead asked. Finally, it clicked. Ejiro Kirishima. Quirk: Hardening. Not flashy but definitely useful.
"Um well.. It's really complicated honestly. It's better to just watch and learn what it is." I muttered with a small smile.
"Well count me in. I wanna figure it out too!" both Mina and Kaminari said in unison making me smile a little bigger.

~Time skip brought to you by Aizawa's naps~

"I AM HERE! Coming through the
door like a hero!" All might crashed through the room unfortunately very loudly. I was never one for the dramatics that the number 1 hero had. I do love his work but the limelight isn't my forte. Reasons I like Aizawa better. Everyone was whispering and mumbling about his costume and so forth.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High.
Think of it as "Hero‐ing 101. Here, you will learn the
basics of being a pro. And what it means to fight
in the name of good! Let's get into it. Today's lesson will pull no punches!" He enthusiastically started.
"Fight training" Bakugo's excitement could be felt. He gave me a glance that said it all. I only raised a brow and looked forward completely dismissing him.
"But one of the keys to being a hero is... ...looking good! These were designed for you based on your Quirk registration forms and the requests you sent in before school started." All might explained as he pressed a button making shelves with cases that had numbers on them glide out. Everyone's excitement was over the top but even I couldn't help but be excited.

"Get yourselves suited up, and then meet me at Training Ground Beta." All might instructed before leaning us to it. Quickly I walked up to my number. Plucking the suitcase off the rack, I hurried off to the changing rooms disregarding everyone and everything.
"Finally something I can be excited for."

Opening the case a huge smile spread across my face.
"It's perfect," I whispered. Quickly I slipped the crop top on and added the dog tags. Next, the army printed skirt, belts, chains, and straps. And finally the jacket, gloves, and boots. That's when I saw them with a small note.

You didn't add any of your normal weapons so I took the cue and added them myself. I hope they are to your liking. Use them well Amaya Aoki.

Smiling softly I pulled them out. First strapping the 8 red throwing knives onto my thigh straps. 4 on each side. And then I pulled a funky-looking sword out. It was bent in half making me smile and shake my head. I grabbed the other one and snapped my arms out and the blades followed and snapped into place at full length.
"Great for storing them." I chuckled as I sheathed them onto my back. Not giving any of the girls who came in shortly after me a chance to say a word to me I quickly tucked my hair into a ponytail and walked out to ground beta.

A/n Decided to put the picture down here too so it can be seen again for reference

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Decided to put the picture down here too so it can be seen again for reference. I know there's 9 daggers but that's an awkward number for 2 thicky boy thighs. My image for the the swords is they snap down in half and snap out. That way they are easy to conceal, hide, and store away.

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