Season 2: Chapter 29

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I took out a pair of wooden swords from a rack in the training room after running on the treadmill for an hour.
Stain is quick and I need to be quicker. I said to myself as I felt the weight of the fake swords. I began practicing some sword forms to get comfortable with them. Deeply breathing as I went along before grabbing a ribbon.
"Of course, your agency has an expensive training session area" I rolled my eyes as I looked at a keypad where you can personalize holographic enemies that simulate real people. I start typing in the characteristics I need to train with.

Enemy characteristics

Speed- +5
Agility- +5
Strength- +7
Skill- Swords
Skill set level- +8
Enemy waves- 10

Tying the ribbon around my eyes I breathe deeply to relax and adjust to my other senses. To be quicker and better than stain I need to rely on more than just sight alone.
"Let's do this" I breathed as I pressed the start button and began fighting for my life against holograms. Unbeknownst to me I was now the center of a demonstration.

3rd person POV

Multiple of best jeanists side kicks watched in awe at the sheer will and talent of the girl in front of them. She was fighting blindfolded and it was an amazing sight to see. While she was tired and huffing and sweating she still made it look graceful in the way she fought with the swords. Even Bakugo was watching with a scowl but even he could admit it was impressive.
"That is the type of control you need. Staying level-headed and focused so you can sense the things around you. You can't just focus on raw power Bakugo. You need your brain and your other senses to guide you through a fight to win" best jeanist whispered to not distract the girl.

"Tch. I can do better than her" Bakugo boasted proudly not bothering to be quiet about it. It almost made you trip up and miss her target but she got right back on track now aware there's an audience.
"Fine if you think you can do better. Attack her. No quirk." Best jeanist pushed.
"Fine." Bakugo barked. He rolled his shoulders thinking this was gonna be a breeze knocking her on her ass but as he ran at her to land a punch on her body she swiftly stepped out of the way making the boy stumble before grabbing him while being off-balanced and kicked his legs from underneath him.
She moved and positioned herself crouching over his body with the wooden sword to his neck.

"Dead" she whispers insuiating that the right was over before it began. As one of the holograms ran at them, without turning her head she threw the second wooden sword straight at the hologram's chest. The system beeped letting her know the simulation was over so she took off the blindfold.

Normal POV

Taking off the blindfold the light blinded me for a second before my eyes adjusted and I saw just how many were watching me. They all clapped in astonishment.
"Well done. The level of control you have and skill you have without a quirk is very impressive" Best Jeanist complimented. I only bowed and turned around to offer my hand to Bakugo to help him stand to his feet. He ignored my hand and stood on his own while I used the sword to lean on.

"Got anything planned for me today Best jeanist?" I asked as Bakugo dusted himself off.
"My plan for you is for you to help Bakugo learn to rely on his senses as you just demonstrated" he replied so I nodded despite the complaints and objections from Bakugo which earned him a reprimanding before everyone left us alone.

I began walking to grab the sword I threw to put both of them away before Bakugo started speaking somewhat calmly for once, "How did you learn to fight like that?"
"Very intense training that ended with me having a lot of injuries until it became second nature. It's been a while since I've fought like that but I realized I need to go back to some of my roots training-wise so I can do better." I explained simply as I put the swords on the rack and closed the case.

"Again!" I yell. He's sweating and I'm tired of watching him. I sighed with a huff. I walked over to him and fixed his fighting stance for the 20th time.
"You can't be in a normal fighting stance for this, you can't see so you need to be as balanced as you can while being light on your feet," I explained in an annoyed tone.
"Will you shut the hell up I know you've said it enough times I fucking hear you," he yelled getting out of the stance I just put him in. I sighed again and held my finger and thumb to the bridge of my nose trying to keep my cool. Until an idea hit me.

"Maybe I'm going about this wrong. You need to experience what I mean and the purpose of this exercise" I mumbled. "Stand straight and relax. Breathe and calm down and listen to your other senses." I explained softly. Surprisingly he listened.
"We'll start with sound first. I'm gonna snap my fingers in different locations and I want you to pinpoint where I am. Walk to me." before he could protest I silently moved to a place diagonal to him. Snapping my fingers once I watched him concentrate and hesitantly move. He's not directly next to me. A few feet away but it's better than I expected. I moved again and snapped my finger. This time he stood a foot in front of me. We continued this game for another 5 minutes until I felt he wasn't just using his hearing. But his sense of touch and smell too.

"Alright, I said quietly. Now we train."

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