Chapter 9

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Everyone looked shocked and the boys looked scared.

"Before everyone woke up i went down and nicely asked our russian prisoner why and who he was working for. He said that Maximiano wants harry dead and the others are a bonus. Apparently harry had a one night stand with Maximiano's daughter and broke her heart". Everyone turned and glared at a sad and ashamed harry.

"Jacey Mia Callaway" Oh shit im in trouble Kaden never uses my middle name unless im in deep shit. "Yes Kaden...?" i say. "You know not to interrogate someone alone.Especially one that tried killing all of you. You could have been hurt or worse killed. You are not to go into a room with a prisoner alone...Do you understand me?". "Yes Kaden. I didn't get hurt though, im fine" "That is not the point but go on with your information"

"As i was saying Maximiano wants them dead but i have gotten attached to these guys so i won't let that happen. I think we should watch over them Kaden. They need help and we don't have any hard and long cases right now...Plus wouldn't it be cool to babysit a famous boyband" i say with a big smile on my face. "Heyy we don't need anyone to babysit us were mature adults" Louis says with a serious face. Me and everyone besides the one direction boys burst out laughing, they all have frowns on their faces. "Fine Jacey if you want us to watch over them then i would be fine with that, it's up to Simon and his team. I can supply some extra agents when the tour continues" "What do you mean when the tour continues, aren't they on tour right now?" man i was confused. "Since the boys are in so much danger right now, Simon has put a pause on tour for about a month, just to let the news die down." "Oh okay but where are they going to stay, we have a new shipment of cadets coming in a few days" "Well we were hoping that they could stay with you. You have the room and i hate you staying in that big house all alone"

"WHAT!!!!!" me and the boys say at the same time.

"Okay i don't mind the boys but i don't think i can stand being with them 24/7. They are too imature and plus they would break all my stuff and eat my precious food"

I felt everyone staring at me with puppy dog stares. "No" "Please Jacey-Wacey" "No" I made the mistake of looking up into their faces. Damn i know im going to regret this later. "Fine". I was awarded by cheering and a big group hug.

"But i need to finish up some paper work here, then we can head over to my house okay" I said.

"Okay we will be in the living room"

With that everyone left the confrence room. I headed off to my my office that was at the end of the hallway that had the living room. I hate paperwork. Why do you need to do paperwork for killing a person or shooting a gun. It's an inconvience. I was just in the middle of signing a letter when my phone rang my little brothers ringtone. I know that my parents came and were visiting and were in our old house but i dont know why my little brother would be calling me.

"Heyy Adrian whats up"

"Jacey they killed mom and dad. They are looking for me and Levi" what who killed my parents.

"WHAT!!!" Oh my god my parents are dead. Wait i can't think about that right now i need to help my brothers. "Jacey please hurry im scared and Levi is scared and crying".

I quickly grabbed my coat and i was running down the hall. "Baby grab levi and the gun i put in your bedside table and go and hide in your closet with levi and i will be there soon okay" i was just passing the living room when a set of hands grabbed my wrist. I knew it was Kaden.

"Let go i have to save Adrian and levi".

"Jacey calm down and tell me why you have to save them" "I will not calm down, some bastards just killed my parents and they are looking for my brothers" "What!!! OKay boys grab your stuff quickly we are going with Jacey". Everyone was up and ran to grab their weapons and gear. "Jacey please im scared i don't know whats going on" adrian said.

"Baby im leaving right now okay. I need to hang up so i can get their faster okay..." "Okay but please hurry" "I love you Adrian" "I love you too Jacey" I heard the dial tone and knew he hung up.

"Boys with me in my truck" i grabbed my keys and i was out the door with the 1D boys right behind me. I hopped in and didn't wait for anyone to put a seatbelt on. I needed to save my brothers.

"Jacey slow down your going too fast" "I will not slow down some bastards killed my parents and they are trying to kill my 13-year old brother and my 2 year old brother" after i said that everyone just kept quite.

"When we get their i want you boys to stay here okay. We don't know if they are still in there. If its safe then i will send someone to come get you". They were about to protest but didn't when they saw my glare.

We arrived about 2 minutes after i said that. I quickly got out and drew my gun. There wasn't any vehicles, so i take that as a good sign. I saw the rest of my boys get out of there cars and take out their guns. I ran to the front door and kicked it open. Their was a guy right their but i quickly shot him in the head. I ran up the stairs knowing my boys would check the bottom floor. There was another two guys at the top of the stairs and i quicky shot them in their hearts. I checked all the rooms then ran to the end of the hall where i could hear a male voices name that wasn't my brothers.

I silently opened the door and saw Adrian holding Levi in one arm and a gun in the other hand that was pointed at a man in his early 30's. I went up behind the man and shot him in the head. Levi started crying and so did Adrian.

I ran to Adrian and grabbed levi and grabbed adrians hand and ran down the hallway and down the stairs out of the house were a ambulance and police and swat were waiting. The swat team ran in and i heard shouting. The police were tapeing off the scene and the ambulence team was attending to some of my injured team members. I nodded at them all. Showing my thanks.They nodded back.

I looked at adrian and saw he was pale and he looked scared shitless. I caught him before he could fall. I had levi inbetween us and i just hugged him while he sobbed into my shirt. I saw the 1D boys get out of the truck and rush over to me and my brothers. Louis quickly grabbed a sleeping Levi out of my arms and rocked him back and forth. I wrapped both my arms around my little brother and let him cry into my shoulder while i rubbed his back. I wanted to cry too but i knew i needed to be strong for my brothers. I'm all they have left.

"They killed them right infront of me. I saw the fear in their eyes jacey. I saw them die." he only sobbed harder after telling me this. I had to shut my eyes and bite my lip from crying. Adrian pulled away and i saw blood on his shirt. "Adrian what happened how did you get hurt? Who was it? I will kill them". Adrian looked down at his shirt then down at mine.

"Jacey thats not f-from me tha-thats from you"

Ugh not again. Im in so much trouble for going in alone and getting shot again.


I will update soon:)

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