22. Anirudh

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Chapter 22 Anirudh.

Bondita's Pov.

I know he was lying. Why he was afraid of his father?. Why his father was not happy with our relationship?

The reason he was not talking to me was his father.

  "Remember, If I said I don't love you that means I love you more than anything, Understand?"

I remembered his words, Now I understand what he means by that.

I hurt him. I know I did but what will I do when he was doing the same.

I love him a lot. I have to make his father believe in love.

Love can change anything.

It was five in the evening. Anirudh's window is still closed.

I wish I could talk to him.

"Don't you understand!" I heard Anirudh's father's voice from the garden. I looked through the window and saw him shouting at someone.

Yes, this is the time. I have to talk to his father.

Without wasting any time, I ran downwards.

"You don't need to apologise, I said you are fired!" I saw he was shouting at a poor man.

"So-sorry S-sir" the man stuttered. But Anirudh's father was not listening to him.

"I said get out from here!" A tear escaped from the man's eyes.

"Please si--" He was interrupted by a slap in his face.

I gasp from the horrifying scene.

Anirudh's father again raised his hand, But this time I run to them and held his hand in time.

He was shocked by my action. He looked angry. "What do you think you are doing?" He shouted at me.

"I am saving the poor man from you. What are you? How can you sla--"

"Shut up! Don't interfere in my matters otherwise, it will not good for you!" He yelled, interrupting me.

" Sir please do-don't yell at her. It was my mistake. Please sir" the man requested him.

"You! How can you take my car without permission? And why are you waiting here, Get lost! And you, Don't show me your face again." He shouted at me

" I will show you my face hundreds of times. And why are you shouting at the poor man? Can't you talk to him nicely?" I ask, trying to understand what is his problem with everyone.

"Stop lecturing me! Don't teach me this nonsense and one more time if you, interrupted my work, I already said but saying again this will not be good for you."

"What will you do? Please, learn to love every---"

"Shut up!" He raised his hand, I closed my eyes horrified by his action and waiting to feel the pain. But the pain didn't come.

I open my eyes and saw Anirudh!
He is standing in front of me, holding his father's hand.

I am lazy. This is why the updates are slow:)

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