A Run In With The Owl Lady

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I woke up to the familiar darkness of the cave. I sat up and stretched my arms. My back was a bit stiffed, guess making my own sleeping bag had it's disadvantages, but you work with what you got right?

Wiping the bugs off my shirt, I got up and lit the candle next to my bed with this weird fire bug that I kept in a spare jar. I grabbed the candle that was also in a jar (seriously how many jars have I stolen?) and walked over to a makeshift mirror I made on the caves walls. It was made of broken shards of glass I collected over the years, it works mostly, it's just hard to actually get a good look at my face.

From what I could tell, my face was completely dirty, my clothes that were made from earth and this realm was covered in dirt and mud.

I wore clothes that were thrown out by other witches, I had a dirty black shirt with a hoodie I sewed onto it myself after I ripped part of the hoodie of some kind of uniform, I had light gray pants that were covered in mud and dirt and I wore shoes that were mixed up, the left one being brown and the right one being black.

My hair was also messy, I still kept it short by using some of the broken glass I had over to cut it. I would kill for a shower, but there's a reason this place is called "the boiling isles", all the water here that I have access to was boiling! Whenever it rained, I had to pray that I would make it to the cave in time! "I'm just a mess..." I told myself, making a tear appear in my eye. I quickly wiped it off and took a deep breath. I fixed what I could about my image and grabbed my bag and left the cave.

I made sure to cover the entrance so nobody could steal what I had. I began to make my way through the market, I always covered my face with a mask of an owl so I didn't have to worry about getting chased by Coven Guards, granted the mask was beaten up a little, but it was good enough to hide my face. I walked around to see if anything caught my interest, taking out my snails, I counted how many I had. "Ten...", I heard my stomach grumble, I definitely need to stock up on food. I looked around for some food stands, most of them had these strange foods I didn't wanna risk tasting.

Suddenly I saw what looked like a fruit stand. It contained more of that light blue fruit I had in the cave yesterday! I could survive on these for at least a week! I began to walk over, but I heard crying, I turned to my left to see a little girl getting picked on by these other kids. I quickly ran over to help her, "Hey!" I shouted, the children turned around, "Leave her alone!", I don't know why, but I made a face to scare them and it looked like it worked! The kids picking on the girl screamed and ran away. "Are you okay?" I said softly. The little girl still had tears in her eyes, "No! They destroyed my doll and now I can't play with her anymore!" She cried out.

I felt bad for the girl, so I did the only thing I could do. I looked around and saw a stand selling dolls, I quickly ran over and and got the attention of the man at the counter, "How much for that doll?" I pointed towards a Bear like doll with fangs. "Ten Snails" the man said. Are you kidding me?! That's all of my snails! I looked back to where the girl was and saw the girl picking up what was left of her doll, crying her eyes out, I looked back at that fruit stand, I could be set for the week!

But..My heart was telling me something else.

I sat out all the snails I had on the table. "Keep the change!" I said, the man raised a brow "You gave exactly Ten Snails", I awkwardly laughed, "Oh right". I grabbed the doll and ran over to the little girl, kneeling down to her level, "Hey, look what I got you!". The girl wiped her eyes and saw the doll, she smiled at it before laughing in joy! "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said to me, she wrapped her arms around me. "No problem! You should get back to your parents soon though" I told her, she nodded her head and ran towards her parents who were looking for her.

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