A Dummy's Game

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Before humans existed there were multiple gods. These gods were perfect and powerful. They could make whatever they desired with a single word and every thing they made was unquestionably perfect. They lived in harmony with each other, none lacking anything they could possibly need. And they lived this way together for all eternity, but at one specific point in time they grew bored with ruling with equals that always new the right thing to do so they decided to make beings that were in part similar to them but just dumber.

They wanted to give these dummies significant weaknesses when compared to their omnipotent selves.  They weren't sure what that should look like so they proceeded to experiment.

First they made stars. Some were bright and others dim. The gods said, "let's see how they rule over the heavens." The stars stood guard only flickering but never flinching.  These beings never made any mistakes, so this was boring for the gods.

So they made living things. Animals and fish and birds. They created them with beauty and complexity but limited consciousness and creativity. The animals couldn't clearly communicate or even live outside of their very specific environments. The animals would make mistakes but they couldn't be taught to be better so they couldn't be held accountable for their actions, so this too was boring. 

So the gods decided to create humans. These humans could talk and learn and were curious. And though humans were created by perfect all knowing gods, these gods didn't like how unpredictable humans could be.   Like the gods, these humans could move freely from one environment to the next doing as they pleased.   But The gods wanted pets not equals. So the gods decided to make it harder on the humans.

They said, "We have made rules so that you never forget that you are not awesome like us.

#1.  You cannot look at our faces or you will die.  Not because it has to be that way (because we can make reality into whatever we want it to be) but because we want you to remember that you are a dummy and we are awesome.

#2.  Because your ancestors were curious and wished for independence outside of our rule then you must die. but dying is not enough.  Your life will be filled with suffering. Not because it has to be that way (because we can make reality into whatever we want it to be) but because we want you to remember that you are a dummy and we are awesome.

#3.  We don't like you and we think of killing you often and we just might do that unless you ease our desire to kill you by killing something else.  The problem is that we think about killing you multiple times a day so you must kill a lot of animals to protect your own life. Not because it has to be that way (because we can make reality into whatever we want it to be) but because we want you to remember that you are a dummy and we are awesome.

#4.  We will write a long detailed list of things you must follow in order for us to accept the killing acts or we wont recognize your sacrifice and we will hurt you more than ever.  This list will be extremely detailed and will definitely prove to be impossible to maintain as the times and environments change.  We know this is true because we know everything.  That wont matter to us though because you still have to keep it or we will make you suffer."

These gods were very proud of themselves for making such a fun game and we dummies just keep playing it with them.

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