Chapter one

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Aurora goes downstairs in her home after she has gotten ready for school.

"Good morning, how you feeling?" she says to her clearly stressed sister.

"I'm going to make a fool of myself." Today the debate. It was safe to say Mia wasn't exactly jumping for joy.

"Are you confident?" the girls mother says walking into the room.

"Not really." Mia replies.

"Just remember, when you make your speech, don't look at the people. Pick a spot on the back wall, don't take your eyes off it, and speak loudly."

"Thanks, Mom."

"Bye, Mom." The two girls say walking out the door.

"Good luck" They hear her shout as they walk outside.

"I'll see you at school" she says to her sister, getting into her boyfriend Daniels car. He was in her classes and had been one of her closest friends for a long time. Although he was friends with some ignorant people, he was very kind to Aurora and made her laugh. That's what made her agree to go out with him.

"Bye" Mia said getting on her scooter going to meet her best friend Lily on her way to school. Despite growing up together, Aurora and Mia could not be more different. Aurora was quite a popular girl, top of her classes, very athletic and was an amazing cheerleader. Although she didn't join the team due to her disliking most of the members for making fun of her sister. She had always been very outgoing and sure of herself. Mia was the complete opposite. She was quite, had very few friends and struggled to speak in front of an audience. However, that didn't stop the two from being very close.

"Hey baby" Daniel said to Aurora kissing her as she got in his car.

"Hi love"

The two spoke calmly till they got to school, where they joined their friends. The friends chatted until they went to class. The debate.

"Ready for the debate?" she heard Lily ask Mia.

"I'm never ready for debate" her sister replied.

"First Aurora your argument on uniforms" the teacher said. The class would have three arguments for this debate. Aurora (who was neither for nor against), Josh (who was against) and Mia (who was for).

"I believe that uniforms stop students, such as ourselves, from expressing themselves and being creative. However..."

*Time skip to the end of Joshes debate*

"I think grove should dump the uniforms and have casual dress all year round." At the end of Joshes debate the class started cheering in agreement.

"Alright, everyone quite. Josh sit down"

"Down boy" Aurora jokes.

"What's my point again?" Mia asks, clearly nervous.

"You like our uniforms. They're equalizers. Now we'll hear the rebuttal from Mia Thermopolis, who will the argument against our proposition." the teacher replies.

"I think..." Mia starts

"What a frizzball." "Look at her hair." "We're waiting." "Say something."

Aurora smiles and nods at Mia reassuringly.

"You see... Casual... Casual..."

"Are you OK?"

"She's gonna barf."

And with that Mia runs out of the classroom.


"Mr. Walsh, stop twisting. You'll strangle yourself." Aurora hears as she walks into the rock climbing place. She spots her mother and sister and joins their conversation.

"You threw up?" she hears her mother, Helen, ask Mia.

"And ran away" Aurora added.

"I'm trying to forget about it"

"Ok. Aurora how was it?" Helen asks taking the attention away from Mia.

"Alright. Would have been better if it was a topic I cared about"

"I still think you should pick your own topics" her mother agreed and Mia nodded.

The three got their shoes and chalk and started climbing.

"Your grandmother called"

"I was not aware heaven had cell service" Aurora joked.

"The alive one. The one that lives in Genovia. Clarisse" her mother pointed out.

"This is the first time she contacted us. What does she want?" Mia asked.

"She's in town. She wants to have tea"

"Tea? She came all the way from Genovia for tea?" Aurora said.

"Isn't this the grandmother who made you get a divorce?" Mia asks

"She didn't approve of me. But Philippe and I made the choice to get a divorce on our own" their mother replied.

"Why should we go see a snobby lady who ignores us?" Mia asks, clearly not happy about the situation.

"I'll go and hear her out. But if she starts coming up with dumb excuses of why she didn't acknowledge our existences, I wont be staying very long." Aurora says.

"Thank you Aurora. Now Mia this is you grandmother. Your fathers mother. Just go see her. Please."

"...Fine" Mia hesitantly agrees.

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