Chapter two

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"Band practice is over. I have a music class in here" Miss Wells, our music teacher says, interrupting the students dancing as the band played.

"Alright. Group three, 'catch a falling star'" she tells us.

From my place at the front, centre I have Lana next to me and Daniel behind me with his arms flung around my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I see Mia switch from her place at the front with a boy, Charles, behind her.

"Are you sure you can't go out later?" Daniel whispers in my ear.

"I told you baby, I'm going to my mysterious grandmothers for tea"

"Text or call me after?" he asks

"Of course"

"Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket..."


"School tours are on Saturday, ladies" we hear through the speaker as we stand outside of our grandmothers house. More like mansion.

"We're here for a meeting with our grandmother, Clarisse Renaldi" I reply.

"Please come to the front the door" and with that the gates open. While walking along the path I see Mia go on the grass.

"Mia walk on the path plea-" I start before i'm interrupted by the speaker telling her for me. In multiple languages.

We walk into the massive house to high ceilings and expensive looking decor, all spotless. Although I suppose I should have expected that from the exterior.

"Welcome, Miss and Miss Thermopolis, we've been expecting you both." A man says while talking Mia's bag and checking it.

"Oh, be careful. Please don't crush my soy nuts"

"Your soy nuts are safe" he replies, while I attempt to hide my laugh. He then calmly takes my bag, checks it and gently hands me it back.

"Right this way. Make yourself comfortable" he says leading us to a sitting area. Mia dumps her bag on the couch before looking around the room. I delicately place myself onto the couch next to her bag, before putting my bag down, still hiding my laugh.

"...for their daughter Marissa. She's allergic to peanuts. And we need new pillows for the prime minister's wife. She's allergic to goose feathers. Hello Aurora, Amelia. I'm Charlotte, from the Genovian attache corps." a blonde haired women says walking into the room.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I say kindly to the lady.

"Um, where am I?" Mia asks, looking around the elegant and extravagant place.

"The Genovian Consulate" Charlotte replies.

"You've got pears in your flowers" Mia states.

"We're famous for them. Now if you'll sit down she'll be with you in a moment"

"No I don't need a moment, i'm here" a women says walking down the stairs, immediately catching the rooms occupants attention. "Aurora, Amelia i'm so glad you could come."

"Hello, it's wonderful to finally meet you. You have a wonderful place" I say with a smile, getting up to stand next to Mia.

"Thank you. Now let me get a look at you both." she says walking up to me first. "Beautiful. Just beautiful."

"Thank you" I say kindly.

She then walks to Mia, "you look so... young"

"Thank you. And you look so... clean"

Charlotte and I make eye contact and both hide our laughs at the awkward interaction.

"Charlotte would you check the tea in the garden"

*In the garden*

The beautiful greenery surrounds us as we walk to a white table.

"Please sit" Clarisse says to Mia and I.

"So my mom says you want to talk to us about something. Shoot" Mia says making me giggle.

"Oh, before I 'shoot' I have something I want to give you both" she says handing me us each a red velvet box.

"Oh, thank you" I say before I open it. As I lift the lid my jaw drops. Inside is a beautiful locket necklace. I look over at Mia who has the same locket on a bracelet.

"It's the Genovian crest. They where mine when I was young"

"It's beautiful" I tell her, greatfully. "We'll take good care of them"

"Now what did you want to tell us" Mia says.

"Something that I think will have a very big impact on your life"

"I already had braces" Mia jokes

"No it is far bigger then orthodontia"

"The tea is served ma'am" Charlotte says

"Girls have you ever heard of Eduard Christoff Phillipe Gerard Renaldi?"

"I can't say I have" I reply, while Mia goes with a simple "no"

"He was the crown prince of Genovia" She tells us.

"What about him?" asks Mia.

"Eduard Christoff PhiIIipe Gerard RenaIdi... was your father."

"I'm sorry, what?" I say. Mia snorts and says "yeah, sure. Our father was the prince of Genovia."

"Are you joking?" I ask seriously.

"Why would I joke about something like that?"

"Oh- My- God-" I whisper.

"No because if that's true then we're-"

"Exactly. You aren't just Aurora and Amelia Thernopolis. You are Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia. And you are Aurora Alexandria Thernopolis Renaldi princess and future queen of Genovia."

"Me? A princess? Shut up!" Mia shouts, as I sit in shock.

"I beg your pardon? Shut up?"

"Your Majesty, in America... it doesn't aIways mean 'Be quiet.'Here it couId mean, 'Wow,' 'Gee whiz,' 'Golly'--" A man explains

"Oh, I understand. Thank you." Clarisse, our grandmother says, "Nevertheless, you are the princess. And Aurora, as the older twin, is the future queen. And I am Queen Clarisse Renaldi."

"Why us?" Mia asks, getting my interest.

"Since your father died, you two are the natural heirs to the throne of genovia. That's our law. I'm royal by marriage. You are royal by blood. You can rule Aurora and Amelia you will be the princess."

"But what if i can't" I say unsure. However Mia shouts over me, "What? Oh, no. Oh, no. No, no, no. Now you have really got the wrong girl. I never lead anybody-- not at Brownies, not at Camp Fire Girls-- Queen Clarisse, my expectation in life is to be invisible, and I'm good at it."

"Amelia, I had other expectations also. In my wildest dreams I never expected this to happen. But you two are the legal heirs to the Genovian throne and we will accept the challenge of helping you become the princess that you are. Oh, I can give you books. You will both study languages, history, art, political science. I can teach you to walk, talk, sit, stand eat, dress like princesses. And, given time, I think you'll both find the palace in Genovia a very pleasant place to live."

"Live in Genovia? Woah woah woah. Just rewind and freeze. I'm no princess. Aurora I can understand, but me? I'm still waiting for normal body parts to arrive. I refuse to move to and be a princess off another country. And do you want another reason? I don't want to be a princess!" Amelia says before running off, leaving me sat with my grandmother, the queen of Genovia.

"Well that went well" she says.

"Perhaps she needs more time" a man suggests.

"Aurora. You've been awfully quite. What are you thinking sweetheart?" she asks me.

"Tell me more?"

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