Chapter five

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Mia, grandma and I are all sat at the dining table at her house. Clarisse is sat at the head of the table and Mia and I are facing each other further down the table.

"Grandma? Is it customary in Genovia to imprison your dinner guests with Hermeez scarves?" Mia asks. She has the scarf tied around her neck to the back of her chair. I don't know how I've managed to stop my self from doubling over with laughter.

"It's Hermes" I correct her.

"The scarf is merely a training tool. Eventually you will learn to sit and eat without it. Manners matter. But enough etiquette for the day," when she's said this the scarf if removed, letting Mia slouch ever so slightly, "Now, Genovia does a lot of trade with Spain, so we prepare for that. The quickest way to a Spanish heart is dance. Shall we?"

Grandma, Ant and I stand to the side, watching as Mia and Joseph dance first. I haven't spoken much to Joseph, and Mia hasn't spoke much to Anthony, but from what Mia has told me he is very similar to Ant but shows less emotion. I joked with Joe that he was a sociopath. He did not find it very funny. Proving my point.

"Now tell me, what kind of dancing do you do?" Joseph asks Amelia.

"Dancing? Just the normal kind. You know like-" Mia starts to 'dance' but truly it can only be described as her acting as a chicken. I turn my head and put it on Ants shoulder laughing and he places his head on mine also hiding his laugh, while grandma looks concerned and Ant acts as nothing even remotely comedic is happening. Sociopath.

"I see," Joseph says, "We have a Genovian alternative."

Mia then turns to see me laughing and says, "don't suppose you could do any better", jokingly.

"Watch and learn" I say wiping a tear from my eye. I talk Anthony's arm and walk to the centre of the room, while Mia and Joseph join Grandma. The music starts playing and Ant leads me through the dance. It was by no means perfect but it's a start. I turn to Mia and mockingly bow and we both start laughing. Grandma shakes her head at out antics before quietly laughing along.

Mia then tries again; "It's not a doggy on a dashboard" "It's a wango?" "Grandma, I spun without hurting anyone!"


"I'm late!" Mia says, running into Grandmas house.

"You're late." I repeat. I had been on time so I sat and spoke to Charlotte and Grandma while waiting.

"I'm really sorry about it-"

"And where is Paolo?" Grandma asks.

"Send in Paolo." Charlotte says into an ear piece.

And just like that a blade man walks through the door, smiling brightly, with two women behind him.

"Regina Mia. Buon Giorno. My assistant, Gretchen and Helga" he says to Clarisse in an Italian accent.

"Good afternoon. We're so pleased you could make yourself available" grandma says politely, "We won't waste time. Let the work begin"

"Ah. Of course. Where are the beautiful girls?"

"My granddaughter Aurora" grandma introduces me and Paolo smiles. "And my granddaughter Amelia"

"Aah!" Paolo jumps, "She is gorgeous." Yes because that doesn't contradict you, overdramatically, screaming when you saw her.

"Paolo, we have a limited number of days before the state dinner."

"Frizzy, busy, dizzy. In the best sense." Paolo states while 'inspecting' Mia.

Grandma and Charlotte then organise 'Paolo's ladies' NDA. Before grandma leaves to answer a call with the Genovian press secretary, she whispers to Charlotte, "watch him like a hawk"

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