Chapter six

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I was sat on Daniels table, while he was sat in his chair. People where around us complimenting my hair and just talking.

"Class has begun!" I hear making me move to sit in my seat. "Class has begun and I have a little surprise for you. Pop quiz," Mr. O'Connell says, causing the class to groan, "French revolution."

"Mr.O'Connell, there's a school rule that says nobody is allowed to wear hats in class. And I don't think anybody should be an exception to that rule, do you?" Lana asks the teacher.

"No, Lana. Mia, i'm sorry but hats are against the dress code. Mia?"

Mia gives in and takes off her hat causing her hair to gracefully fall down. The class gasps.

"Mama Mia" "Look who's trying to fit in now" "It's a wig right?"

"Oh get a life and lay off her" I say, fed up. She looks good. I don't understand why people are acting like she's a whole new person.

"I think it looks really sweet, Mia" one of the cheerleaders, the nicest one that i'm kind of friends with, tells her.

"It looks like she got a head transplant"

"Well, I think it rocks. And you know what? Voltaire. Hair. I would personally like to learn about Voltaire" Lily said, sticking up for her friend. I'm glad the two girls have each other. They've been close for as long as I can remember.


"Girls in your spare time I would like you to read these" grandma tells us handing us books, after she's finished her speech about wanting fountains.

The three of us are now sat at the same white, outdoor table where we got told we where royalty. Only now we where being taught how to wave. Apparently we need to "acknowledge them gracefully"

After a few minutes Joe walks up to us, "I'm sorry ma'am. I must pick up the prime minister. Excuse me"

The three of us wave and say in sync, "Well, thank you for being here today"


I rode to school with Daniel again today. As we pull in I see Mia, Lily and Michael arrive at the same time.

"What's happening?" I ask, confused why there's such a big crowd.

"There they are! That's Aurora and Amelia Thermopolis!" Lana shouts from the top of the stairs.

"Daniel" I say to my boyfriend, clearly panicking.

"Right here princess!" "Talk to me!"

"Lily, did you tell?" Mia asks her friend.

"You told her?!" I whisper, shout.

"I didn't say anything" Lily defends herself.

"Princess Aurora, who's your favourite actor?" "Princess Mia, what do you do about pimples?"

"Baby, why are they calling you princess?" Daniel asks me, while trying to keep me away from the cameras.

"Let's go please? I'll tell you after just get us out of here" I promise him.

Daniel wraps him arm around my shoulder as the gym teacher wraps her arm around Mia, leading us into the building away from the flashing lights and shouting.

We're now sat in the vice principles office as I hold Daniel overwhelmed and guilty that he had to find out like this. It's all been explained and now he's comforting me while Mia pacing around the room.

"Girls, your mothers on her way" Mr. O'Connell tells us.

I am trying to make sense of the situation. Who would sell us out? Who even knows, so that they can sell us out?

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