Chapter eight

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"Mia, it's not a championship game. It's not even a big game. It's just gym class. Just hit the ball. I don't want to flunk you in gym class. Come on. You can do it. Keep your eye on the ball" our gym coach tells Mia.

Mia, to a lot of people's surprise, hit's the ball and makes it to second base.

Next it's my go. Josh is too busy making fun of Mia to even notice I've stepped up. The ball comes towards me and I hit it. Hitting it directly to hit Josh where the sun don't shine. Mia and I then run and we both get all the way round, due to Josh being on the floor in pain.

"Oops" I say to Josh while smirking.


"It's a present for your sixteenth birthday from your father. It was found among his possessions." grandma says to me, handing me two red velvet covers. It's currently just the two of us sat in her office.

"My birthday's not for two weeks" I say smiling, more of a question than a statement.

"I know. But I wanted you to have it before we leave. I return to genovia the day after tomorrow"

"Thank you," I open the one that has my name in gold stitching on the front, "it's locked"

"If you open the locket I gave you it becomes the key" she explains.

"Thank you"

"Aurora? Before you go I must tell you that I would like for you to give a speech at the ball, officially accepting your title"

"Of course"

"Wonderful. I'll have Anthony pick you up at quarter to 6?"

"Yes, thank you"

(Clarisse later gives Mia hers)


When I get home, I go to my room to open the journal from dad. When I open it a letter falls out.

My darling Aurora,

Today is your 16th birthday. Although you are no longer quite so little, you always be my little girl.

I present you with this diary to fill with your amazing adventures and wonderful thoughts.

It is custom in my family to pass on a piece of wisdom when one reaches this age. I pass on to you as my father passed onto me.

Aurora, challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming those challenges, is what makes life meaningful.

In your life I am sure you will encounter many challenges, but know that I will be with you through them all. Perhaps not always physically. But know I will be there.

Never let fear stop you from achieving your goals and living your dreams.

The brave may not live forever,
But the cautious do not live at all.

Happy birthday, my dear Aurora.

All my love,
Your father.


It's currently twenty to six and I'm finally ready. I have on a light blue gorgeous dress and white heels. I kept my makeup natural and my hair straight.

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