Chapter 2.

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"You're obviously not from here

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"You're obviously not from here.." I glanced up from my cigarette to meet her eyes. There stood a dark haired girl which her eyes matched perfectly with. She dressed in dark colors and flannels, her jeans had spots of oil and grease displayed across them. High school in California every girl looked the same, they wore the least amount of clothes possible and always smelt like whatever gut wrenching perfume was trending at that time.

This girl was absolutely nothing like them, she wasn't dressed up to impress everyone, she wore what was comfortable and still looked absolutely gorgeous doing it. She stood very confident when talking to me and even the girls around were blushing for her. Her hands stayed clutched around her crossbody strap and while I spent all this time staring and studying her, her eyes remained on my vehicle I stood leaned against.

"You'd be correct." I reached out my hand to shake hers, pulling my cigarette from my mouth and pushing the smoke towards the sky. "I'm Billy, my little sister and I just moved here." I repositioned myself on the car's trunk and glanced behind her at the girls huddled behind their friend. She even stood out from her friend group, they were all in white washed jeans and jeans jackets to match with brightly colored stripped shirts underneath and the scrunchies holding up their hair matched.

"Well welcome to Hawkins, Billy. I'm Jo!" She shook my hand in return, moving her eyes right back to my vehicle staring down the wheels and across the bumper. The sound of the school bell ringing across the parking lot brought me from my daze.

"Nice to meet you, Jo. I'll see you around." I watched her walk inside the building her group trailing behind her. She stood tall over all of them and glanced back in my direction before disappearing from sight.


"Do you understand what I am saying?" Neil, my father spoke to me in a harsh voice. He's always been tough on me, I often questioned if he even loved me by how harsh he spoke to me and how he treated me. My mom was always the sweet, loving one, she would be proud of me owning my own mechanic shop. I miss my mom a lot more than I talk about, my father treats her like she's dead but, I know she did what was best for herself by leaving my abusive father but I think she forgot about her damaged son and started a new life elsewhere.

"Yes, I hear you." I scoffed under my breath, shoving more food into my mouth. Susan always made large exquisite meals like every day was thanksgiving. There was usually only four of us eating but once in a while Jocelyn from next door would join us. She was very sweet, she made sure to compliment Susan on everything she made and thanked Neil repeatedly for allowing her to come over.

Max wasn't allowed many friends over but Neil and Jocelyn's dad got along so he trusted Jocelyn to be a good influence around Max. He was hoping she'd get Max into girly things and away from the gaming and skateboarding. Jocelyn wasn't much help though, I could hear them talking through the walls late at night and they spent hours talking about boys and playing video games.

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