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"Ughhhh I want to lay on my bed nowww I'm so tired of showing them around." I said in my thoughts
"Again I'm sorry y/n for you coming in our mess." Tanjiro said in a sad toned

"Whattt! NO ITS OKAY TANJIRO ITS NOT YOUR FAULT! NO NEED TO KEEP APOLOGIZING." I said waving my hands side to side

Tanjiro started smiling

I noticed him smiling at me and kinda blushed.

"Is there s-something on my face?" I said

"No it's just that you make me smile that's all." He said

"Oh hehe" I said giggly

•Timeskip after the tour•

"Okay well this is your room and the guards already gave me extra clothes for you and your friends." I said
"If you need anything just let me know." I said smiling at him

"Oh well thank you y/n for everything." He said

"Oh it's no problem I actually enjoy having guest here since I am the youngest person here and nobody here really is around my age except you and your friends. I enjoy having company here." (Pretend  muichiro is 17-18 in this wattpad Okay)

"Well that's good, but can I ask you something."

"Sure what's up?" Y/n said

"I've happened to notice your last name is the same as one of the pillars kyojuro Rengoku? Are you guys related?

"Yes, indeed I am, actually he is my brother and my father is shinjuro." I said

"WHAT! Your father is a former hashira!" Tanjiro said with a spark of glitter in his eyes

I giggled and said "we'll retired hashira but yeah he is my father, and kyojuro is my brother, I also have a younger brother aswell."

"Cool! Well it's nice to know about your family." Tanjiro said
I just smiled and went waved goodbye to him and went to put on a my f/c kimono on with a pretty pattern on it.

I walking outside my mansion to see this boy that looked familiar from the final selection.
"Hey have I seen you before in the final selection?" I asked the boy with yellow ish hair

"Hi My name is zenitsu and I think I saw you aswell in the final selection." He look down and then looked up at me
His eyes widened and has love heart shapes in his eyes.

"OH MY, PLS MARRY ME BEAUTIFUL LADY" he said grabbing my hand

I yelped, "Ah! What are you doing!?!"
"And No I'm not going to marry you pls let go off me!"  I said

Rengoku POV
After the meeting I wanted to talk to y/n for a bit,
I was so surprised on how the master wanted her to watch over that boy.

Rengoku thoughts, "hmm another thing is that 3 boys are going to be in her-" WAIT IN HER HOUSE 3 BOYS IN HER MANSION.
" I Have to go check on her!"

I was walking to her mansion and saw the boy with yellow hair grabbing her hand and asking my sister something.
"Let go of me zenitsu I'm not going to marry you!"  I heard her yell

"Hey what's your problem boy!" I said to the boy
He let go of her but I was kinda pissed on how he would ask her that.

"She is not going to marry you, she's to young! You don't ask woman that out of nowhere that's very rude!" I said

•𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠• {𝚃𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛} ♡︎♡︎Where stories live. Discover now