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(Y'all love my picture 😏😏😏)

We stared to head back to the base and heading inside y/n house
Everyone was exhausted and even y/n was sleeping on tanjiros back

"Welcome back, where is y/n?" Rengoku asked

Tanjiro turned around and showed her sleeping on him
Rengoku smiled and let them off to sleep

While zenitsu and inosuke were going into there rooms tanjiro was heading upstairs to set me on my bed

Tanjiro was placing y/n down on her bed and putting the covers over her, he was going to leave until y/n grabbed his arm and pulled him to her

Y/n pov

I was so tired.. that i began losing my balance heading back to the masters base.
Tanjiro notice me getting sleepy and ask if he can carry me which I said no because I didn't want to bother him but he carried me anyway
I smiled and just lean on his warm bodying getting comfy
Time past by and I opened my eyes slowly seeing myself in my room
I saw tanjiro walking away but I wanted him to sleep with me
I didn't know why but I pulled him closer to me asking him if he could sleep with me
"O-oh y-yeah s-sure y-y/n" he was a stuttering mess but i find it funny that I got him flustered.

3rd person
Tanjiro went on the bed covering them with y/n blanket

He was a bit flustered and didn't know how to react when he was in a bed with a woman

Tanjiro looked to her side seeing her shivering

Tanjiro then went to her and cuddle her to make her warm
Suddenly tanjiro and y/n were now cuddling..

The next day it was morning

Rengoku pov
*yawns* I started getting ready for the day to visit my father and my brother by myself but I figured going with y/n since we never go together and I think the 3 of us would go the the town and have fun with are younger brother

I went downstairs and grabbed a piece of bread to eat and went to head to y/n house
I knocked but nobody answered I then knocked again but the door was left open
I kinda got worried and invited myself in seeing it all quiet but very clean

I headed upstairs and saw the 2 boys sleeping
I didn't want to wake them up since me and my sister are always the first to wake up at 6:00 am but I noticed tanjiro wasn't in his room so I went into y/n room but I hesitated and thought of the things mitsuri said
"You know they can be a cute couple"
"Oh young love is so cute!"
*wait what if they had... NO THEY CANT THERE- * I pushed the thoughts away and opened the door slightly
I saw tanjiro and y/n sleeping together
At first I thought it was cute but I saw tanjiro shirtless (protective brother active)
*shit what if they did.*
*i swear if that boy touched my sister in anyway like that I wil-*
He then saw y/n started to wake up and quickly left
(Also if you know what he is thinking then  YOU KNOW 😏😏😏)

I decided not to go to my fathers house since i thought it would be better if i went with y/n
*god i shouldn't snoop around her business* I mean she is 16 almost turning 17 and that boy is 17
They are young adults*
*ugh I regret doing that, that's her life and she gets to do whatever she wants..*

Timeskip it was now 7:30 am

tanjiro started waking up
Then y/n did
Y/n pov
I started to wake up and saw someone's chest in front of me... I looked up and it was T-TANJIRO
*Oh my look at those abs*
Ugh I'm such a pervert 😢
Then tanjiro snuggle closer to me
I started blushing hard but then again I enjoyed this moment
*he looked so peaceful and cute when he was sleeping*

•𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠• {𝚃𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛} ♡︎♡︎Where stories live. Discover now