♡︎After the mission♡︎

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It's been a few weeks since the demon attack and there wounds started to heal

Y/n pov

"I am so glad I can finally go out and walk around the base"
"It's such a relief"

While I was walking I didn't notice but I accidentally tripped over a rock
"Oh crap, I'm going face first on the hard ground!"
When suddenly someone grabbed her


"Are you okay y/n" Ofc it was tanjiro
*tanjiro face was so close to my face it looked like we were about to kiss*
"I-u-uhh I'm okay!" I said trying to get my balance

"You have to be careful y/n your still recovering from the mission"

*i loved how he cared so much he was so cute and kind
And overall such a sweetheart*

'w-wait what am i saying!'

"Uh y/n did you hear me?"

"Huh! Oh yeah!"

Tanjiro lifted up a brow and asked "okay then, what did I say"

*i was a mess I didn't know what he told me!*
(Btw if you see this * that is her in her mind)

"Umm that Im clumsy?"

"Well you are but no" he said giggling

*I blushed of embarrassment*

"Well anyways y/n I wanted to ask you but would you want to go eat with me?" Tanjiro said nervously

"Ofc i would go eat with you." I said with a smile

Me and tanjiro started getting ready to go eat with each other when I noticed Rengoku starring at us.
"Hmm where do you think you too are going." He asked

"Well, me and tanjiro are going to go eat together!" I said

"Hmm you guys are still recovering, I don't think it's a good idea to go plus you guys can eat here?" He said

"Well! Me and tanjiro just want to spend time together and have fun!" I said
I then looked at tanjiro and saw him turn red a bit, I didn't know why but started to realize the way I put it

"U-uh we're going out like friends.! That's what friends do!"

"Okay then where is zenitsu and inosuke?"

"Ugh there sleeping!"

"Can you leave us alone now!" I said to him

"Ugh fine but come back before dawn" "oh and sis zenitsu and inosuke are right behind you" Rengoku said with a smirk

"WHAT!" I turned around and saw them ready to go

*are you kidding! Tanjiro said only I can go ONLY I- er wait why am I saying it so in a defensive way?*
*ugh whatever*

"Oh okay well cmon guys let's go" I changed my look and acted like I wanted them to come

But it kinda hurt seeing tanjiro look down since he only wanted me and him to go.

"Hey tanjiro, cheer up we can always go another you know?"
"Hai! your right!" He said

We all started heading off to the town to go eat

3rd person

•𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠• {𝚃𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛} ♡︎♡︎Where stories live. Discover now