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After a few weeks it was time for the squad to go on there first mission together

In those few weeks tanjiro and his friends have gotten along very well. Especially Tanjiro and  y/n 😏
When zenitsu would go up to y/n asking her a Bunch of things making her uncomfortable and tanjiro would step in and protect her 😏😏 (lol sorry for keep adding emoji's)

Tanjiro POV

"Zenitsu you have to stop bothering y/n your making her uncomfortable"
'Ugh zenitsu can be such a pain' I signed

"Thank you tanjiro for helping me again." She signed

"O-oh it's no problem I just know how zenitsu can be annoying sometimes."

When i was talking she hugged me and I'm hugged her back

"Well I have to go now tanjiro I am going in a mission now with shinobu." "Can you take care of my cat for me?" Y/n said

"Of course I will, I will make sure she is okay." I said

While I was feeding her cat Rengoku came up to me

"Excuse me tanjiro but have you seen my sister?" Rengoku said

"Um yes actually she just left to go on a mission with shinobu." I told him

"Oh well can I ask you a question?" He asked

"Um yeah sure?"

"Do you like my sister" he said so straight up at me

I blushed a bit of how he asked me so straight up if I like her or not

"Well yes, b-but as a friends! Me and her are just friends" (although I was thinking the times me and her had a lot of fun and how funny and sweet she is) "thinking of it makes blush HARD"

I was confused on why he asked me that but I didn't really mind

"Hm, well! I need you to come in a mission with me and your friends!" He asked

"I was going to go with my sister and you guys but it appears she is no-"

"I WONN!" I heard the Familiar voice and it was y/n

"Oh y/n-san I didn't know you would come so early."

"Oh hi Tanji! Hi Onii-Chan!" She said

Tanjiro mind: "did she just give me a nickname.. how.. cute"

3rd person

It was just a demon in a village killing little kids but we already killed it. That demon was so weak lol." Y/n said
"Ughh you got a head start y/n that's NOT fair!" Shinobu whinnying
Ima go to my house and sleep." She also said

"So what are you guys up to?" Y/n said going up to the boys

"I was actually going to take tanjiro and his friends with me on a mission" Rengoku said

"Ooooo can i come?" Y/n speaked

"Sorry sis but yo-" Rengoku was stopped by y/n again :|

"Listen I can go if I want too, plus I'm not even tired from my mission with shinobu." Y/n said
"Plssss" y/n begging with puppy eyes

" *sigh* fine you can come with us" Rengoku saying in defeat

(Now this is where they all go to the mugen train drama happened and RENGOKU DOES NOT DIE and also they are not in the dream cuz like I don't want to do that)

While you guys went on the train 🚂
You all had a good time

"Um excuse me y/n brother but what are we doing on a train?" Zenitsu asked

•𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠• {𝚃𝚊𝚗𝚓𝚒𝚛𝚘 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛} ♡︎♡︎Where stories live. Discover now