The Day You Were Born

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She’d never thought it would happen. When she was still mortal, she had hoped but that was quickly shut down by the doctor who told her it would never happen because of her blood disease. And after receiving Mother Miranda’s ‘gift’, she had fully given up hope. That was, until a few years later, little Y/N Dimitrescu was born.

Y/N Dimitrescu is the fourth and youngest daughter of Alcina Dimitrescu, and the only biological daughter of Alcina.

The day she was born, Mother Miranda decided to visit her daughter. Alcina had been shocked but pleased to see her Mother had an interest in her child. The girl was her new grandchild, after all. Yet, it was odd how she hadn't shown any interest in the baby during the pregnancy, until now.

Alcina pushed the thought away, only focused on her new daughter. She'd felt the happiest she had ever been.

"She is as beautiful as you, my dear." Mother Miranda said, standing next to the bed and looking at the baby. The little girl had dark hair and when she opened her eyes, it revealed her golden colored eyes.

"Thank you, Mother." Alcina smiled, although she felt a bit awkward at the sudden amount of compliments she was getting. But she felt proud either way. "She truly is a miracle." She cooed at her daughter.

"A miracle indeed…" Mother Miranda muttered to herself. In an unexpected move, the older woman sat down on the edge of the bed, gently caressing Y/N's tiny cheek with one claw. “Did you think of a name yet?”

Alcina shook her head. “I mean, I’ve got a few… I just can’t decide which one would fit her best.”

The priestess softly chuckled. “I’m sure whichever one you pick will be the best.” Then, under her mask, her face turned more serious. "I have a… request, Alcina." She spoke, slipping into her more commanding voice.

Alcina froze, she knew this was coming but she had so desperately hoped it wouldn't. Holding onto her child a bit harder, she swallowed and looked at Mother. "What kind of request?"

"If it is alright with you, I would like to examine Y/N. You know, to be sure she is as healthy as she can be. I would invite you to come with me, but you should really rest, my dear." Miranda tried to smile at her.

'And to test her.' Alcina thought to herself. She knew Mother was looking for someone that would be perfect for the ritual, and she feared little Y/N might be just that. But she couldn't say no to Miranda, could she? That definitely wouldn't go well.

No, she just had to have hope. Hope that Y/N wasn't a perfect vessel.

"Of course, Mother. I'd love to have some certainty that my daughter is healthy." Alcina emphasized. Miranda didn't seem to have noticed it, however, and just stood up as she held out her arms.

"Perfect. It won't take long, I will be back before you know it. Get some rest in the meantime, Alcina." The tall woman frowned, her face turning into concern as she carefully handed over her newborn daughter.

"See you soon, Alcina."

"See you soon…" Alcina practically whispered. Not that it mattered, the priestess was already gone.


After some tests and experiments, Miranda came to the conclusion that it was very likely you had inherited your mother's powers. One thing to note, however, was that you didn't seem to have her rapid growth. It was all speculation though, as she had to wait until you grew up so she could test her theories about your powers and could truly see if you were fit as a vessel or not. But you definitely had some traces of the Cadou in your system.

For now, you seemed to be a potential perfect vessel for Eva, that much Miranda knew. But could she really rip her grandchild away from her adopted daughter? Whether she liked it or not, she'd grown to care for her four children even though at the time they were only experiments. The priestess doubted for a moment, but eventually decided that for now, you were a failed experiment as well and thus weren't fit as a vessel for her daughter Eva. There were too many uncertainties, it would take a lot of time and she didn't want to risk losing you if the ritual failed, that would surely result in angering Alcina if taking her child wouldn't anger her already.

You fussed and stirred a bit in her arms, causing your grandmother to sadly smile. How she missed her own daughter. Miranda started to doubt again, a million thoughts running through her head. If not you, would she ever find the perfect vessel?

Then she shook her head and sighed. "Let's get you back to your mother, little one."


Miranda had only been gone for about an hour or two, but upon entering the room she saw Alcina was now fast asleep. She couldn't blame the woman though, it has been a tiring day for her.

The priestess walked over to the nearby crib. It was a mahogany wooden crib with beautiful golden details. She gently put you down, making sure you were wrapped in your blanket. As she was quietly walking back to leave the room, she heard movement coming from the bed.

“Mother Miranda?” The sleepy voice of your mother says as she turns on the bedside lamp. She pushes herself up right and yawns. "How did it go?"

"All is well." Miranda replies shortly. "There is nothing to worry about, my child. Get your rest."

Alcina hummed and the priestess was about to leave, when her daughter spoke again, a hint of hesitation in her voice. "C-could you do me a favor and bring her to me, Mother? I'd rather have her with me."

Miranda sighed internally, she'd rather leave before things become too… family-like. "Of course." She swiftly walked over to the crib again, picking you up and handing you to your mother.

"Thank you." Alcina smiled again, seeing your small face, softly bopping your nose and bringing you closer to her. The priestess had wordlessly left which made Alcina frown upon noticing. She looked back at you, eyes filled with love when she finally decided on your name.

"Not to worry, my love." She whispered softly, snuggling you closer and kissing the top of your head. "I will always protect you, my darling Y/N."

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